I like how there isn’t any option other then “I understand”
I like how there isn’t any option other then “I understand”
because you have never played I’ll put out the fact that, if just before the game you need to look over the playbook, the same playbook you have had all season, for a refresher on the plays, that might be a bigger reason for why you are losing then some phantom myth about the opposing team stealing signals.
there is more proof that the NFL and ESPN are working in unison to tarnish the patriots then there is that the patriots had a scheme to deflate footballs illegally.
make it 23 on 23, you need one person calling the plays.
except its not unique. lone druid in Dota 2 can summon a bear that can act independently of the lone druid, and can even equip items. HOTS is a very underwhelming game, i honestly cant make it through an entire match without getting bored and asking myself “what am i doing here” I’d much rather play a round of dota2,…
2 years in a row where I’ve read this thing and the only thing you can complain about is how much we win. I love it.
that malphite gank during the 1v1 was kinda funny.
i have not watched wrestling in forever, But i love that there is an actual tag team, and not just two solo guys. The legit tag team scene used to be so much fun to watch. The bulldogs vs money inc, and then you had the Steiner bros, and the hart foundation, and the british bulldogs. omg nostalgia.
I love pats haters
“They cheated!!!!!”
“They filmed signals!”
Filming signals isnt illegal though
he shot at least 3 people.
it’s always amazing, seriously. If you ever get the chance, come check out the lombardi trophy when its being shown in one of the forest towns, the reflection of the different colored leaves makes the trophy look like its on fire.
Hey Barry, what was the penalty that the jets got for doing this the year prior to the jets calling the NFL about the patriots doing it?
The eagles one, throw a TD inside the 20 is almost identical to, QB should throw up on the field.
Holy shit, just when i thought the League and ESPN couldn’t stoop any lower, they go back to the well and start spouting bullshit nonsense again.
I’m excited to see all the qbs that play in outdoors, cold weather enviroments get suspended next year after these “randomly selected” halftime ball checks.
I’m curious what evidence you have seen be provided by the nfl from their 5 million dollar investigation that leads you to believe Brady was involved in deflated footballs.
paid players ALREADY had reduced bag slots, and character slots, unless you paid cash for extra, so to think that free to play characters are getting even less so is shocking.
if they are as good as they think they are, they should be fine.
RG3 has never once shown an ounce of humility. he’s not played any “okay” quality football since part of his rookie year, and had the gall to say that he is the “best in the league” I’m all for having confidence in yourself, but jesus christ kid, have some class. you really think you are better then brady, and…
and while we are at it, lets get rid of hitting in regular games too. I mean if we want to keep these guys healthy no hitting! and you know what, lets go the extra mile, instead of playing actual football, they are going to play 22 vs 22 in madden, each player controlls their virtual counterpart.