
the only thing Brady is guilty of is playing in cold weather against teams that can’t handle being beat. The colts played like a high school team, and the ravens are a bunch of poor sport pieces of shit. Steve Biscotti is the scum of the earth, and if i didn’t have such a strong moral compass I’d eliminate him from

assuming the refs actually inspected them to begin with, which also assumes the refs recollection is infallible, which is in question because wells says that the gauge the ref used is probably not the correct gauge.

looks like they are never going to get that selfie video brady took of himself letting air out of the balls while saying the N word and then yelling heil hitler.

We actually don’t know that. Did you read the wells report? The biggest piece of evidence that says brady was involved was the part where wells said “brady said he didn’t know Mcnally, but how did he sign something for someone he says he didnt know? Also he had a long phone call with one of the equipment managers!”

Ashley, this is dad. I told you that the internet was STRICTLY FORBIDDEN! Your actions of self interest are seriously making reconsider having you as my 5th wife.

A common misconception, you see you take the pea and tape it to the inside of our palm and then throw an edame that has been peeled, so when the magician tries to eat the “pea” he finds out that its not a pea at all, in fact it was the edame, by the time they have realized it the first magician has handed the pea to


possibly rose tinted glasses. it was a movie for kids, that is now getting ripped apart by adults. I remember watching it, I remember enjoying it. If i went back and watched it now, it probably wouldn’t hold up very well.

Those people are fools for a number of reasons.

1.)they can’t fly all of those expensive ships alone. A lot of these ships are going to require multiple people, so spending a grand on a ship meant for 15 people is stupid

so still a no go on the firestick?

that pun.... ewe.

im going to buy it a few times and then multibox suicide to see how quickly i can use up all the lives

When reached for comment Rebollero responded “Why is life so hard sometimes? Why do i have to keep fighting over and over, It’s almost like i have struggle written on my forehead or something.

downeast tastes rotten, like legit I drink it and My body rejects it as if i was trying to drink sour milk.

This would be the broncos like third time getting caught fucking with the salary cap right? repeat offenders, broncos should lose a couple of first round draft picks.

A 5 year old in 1991? It’s not like she had google at 5 years old, in order to “search out” that info she would have had to go to the library to look and see if any books had been made, then she would have had to open up whatever the Australian version of the yellow pages was to find a doctor to ask questions. I’m

A 5 year old has no concept of the idea of using high advanced surgery to change your gender.

comes off more like someone who is really bad at cosplaying trying to do the joker mixed with someone else.

I also think it might be just a little bit illegal.

shit. it looks like i need to head home and download league of legends again..