I’m sure the bears front office was Generally aware of Macdonalds past. How are they not being punished for giving that man money after signing him?
I’m sure the bears front office was Generally aware of Macdonalds past. How are they not being punished for giving that man money after signing him?
I photograph absolutely terribly.
i’ve been dying to deep fry these bad boys
good thing he wasn’t generally aware that more probably than not someone was letting a fraction of 1 psi out of 3 footballs.
Patriots fan here. Apparently we ARE cheaters. By Kraft accepting this outlandish penalty, he has accepted the mantle of cheater. The New England Cheatriots. Patriots fans EVERYWHERE are pissed off at the league, and at robert kraft, many are saying they are done with kraft and the nfl in general, some are willing to…
“10 year vet”
If she had been a Ravens fan she would probably already be dead.
the problem with your simple solution, is that the patriots didn’t break any rules, and the leagues investigation failed to show any proof otherwise.
This REALLY ought to have been “The patriots balls measured below 12.5 at half time, as a result we have fined them 25k. We will be assessing the league in the offseason…
And prevented the patriots from correcting it once the league got around to actually giving the patriots info a couple of weeks after the fact.
Brady will have more confidence that the courts of law wont leak his personal info, more so then the league which leaked mcnally’s home address to a reporter that blindsided him outside of his home. that reporter by the way is the wife of a league employee that when from the nfl office to the jags.
to be fair the patriots are at that level too. All the science is on the patriots side. We were sick of our team owner backing goodell before(Ray rice/AP fiasco) so watching goodell basically Seppuku himself is turning out lovely.
the only solace I have as a Patriots fan, is the knowledge that once this gets over turned, and kraft sues the league for destroying the evidence of the patriots innocence, and all the fines and punishments go away, That the combined tears of everyone enjoying this short moment of bliss provided by a hack job of a…
because the NFL had both Mcnally's and Jagfucktardhardtospellname's phones. if there had been any texts or calls between them and brady, they would already have a record of it. Text's and calls are recorded on both ends.
This is factually wrong.
what was the psi of the tablet?
or get a rice cooker and never have to worry about rice again.
all the actual evidence(the balls) show that they didn’t tamper with them.
its an issue for everyone not playing on the west coast. When I played league The very best ping I could get from Massachusetts was 130+
Should Teddy Bridgewaters first season have an asterik? I mean the vikings were caught on video doctoring the balls during a game. And you know the ball boys wouldn’t do that by themselves.
The problem is that if the NFL thought something wrong was going on, the league ALLOWED it to happen for half of a game during the AFCCG. The league essentially said “We don’t care about fair play, so much as we care about catching a team red handed at doing something wrong”
This is pissing patriot fans off for 2…