Goddamn, man. This being Deadspin, I want to make a joke...but I just can’t; nothing about child abuse is humerus.
Goddamn, man. This being Deadspin, I want to make a joke...but I just can’t; nothing about child abuse is humerus.
A thorough reading of the Bible is really good for producing atheists.
I’m sure the very teachers who wouldn’t let us use ANYTHING on the internet as a source for research when I was in high school in the 90s-early 00s, I’m sure they’re passing around Russian propaganda like it came from the fucking Bible.
Wait until the dipshits make the connection that Quicken Loans Arena where Lebron used to play is nicknamed the “Q”.
I don't think it's merely that middle-aged white men are being questioned that bothers people like Fedora; it's that they are being treated as irrelevant until proven otherwise, which happens to be exactly what they've done to women and blacks their whole lives. Instead of triggering reflection, it triggers rage.
“And that was it. I swear on my mom and dad’s graves, there was nothing else to it.’’
Thin-skinned asshole who exaggerates slights that only exist in his own head anyway and hurts himself with impotent rage after his own failures lead to a losing effort? Why would you think he’s a Trump voter?
♫ God bless America... land that I luff... dah dah dah dah, hmm hmm hmm, to the thing with the thing over there. Hmm hmm hmm hmm, hmm hmm prairies, hey Melania, is that snow? God bless America... la la la no. ♫
“Vengeance is mine,” saith the Ford.
In closing, we only have about 3 weeks left
It’s rumored Maria’s writing her character to be the ante hero.
The answer is both simple and obvious: Alabama. Didn’t win their conference, didn’t even win their division, didn’t have to play an extra game against a high-quality opponent. If you’re only going to have a four-team playoff, you have to treat conference championship games as the defacto first round, and conference…
You’re overthinking this. Just play the national anthem.
No offense, but everything you posted seems to make him extremely qualified to yell at a camera on Fox News.
I think they know what happened, Rudy Guede murdered her and was convicted for it. The case against Amanda Knox and her boyfriend was just a witch hunt fueled by the press and public.
... Let me now take a more comprehensive view, and warn you in the most solemn manner against the baneful effects of the spirit of party generally.