
I’m not even sure if any of you realize this but for many of you that feel like it’s shaming or calling you a wimp, there is a Bunny sensei who is motivating you to keep going and gets you pumped for your fights. There is a lot of dialogue that can be quoted. I’m playing this game and honestly I take it as step

*A woman tells a man to smile more” Comments: OMG I know right what a grouch

Don’t worry about these wimps, GBA. Only an absolute fragile and lonely human being would immediately transform a simple suggestion of positivity into sexism based on an assumption that you wouldn’t for a man. All you people running to her “aid” are practicing reverse sexism without even knowing it. LET THE WOMAN

While I found what you said cringey you didn’t deserve the wall of white knights and 3rd waves that came crawling out of the woodwork.

It has to be worth trying purely just to see this enemy if for no other reason.

I have not been so intrigued yet simultaneously terrified of a video game enemy in a long time.