

It might have been needless but I loved the quiet energy of it all.

That's what bugs me. I mean I wasn't THERE of course so I don't know the real story but up until now it sounded like self defense. Granted, media can spin things one way or another, but for this situation let's just say everything reported is 100% what happened.

So I know this is somewhat off topic but… no more Arrow reviews?

Probably won't happen seeing as the actor is on Being Mary Jane with Gabrielle Union.

Dude. I don't care. It was great.

This show…
This fucking show.


They've had 2 separate episodes of Jessie lashing out at Dick Wells because he treated her like a child or did not trust her enough.

I'm all for it, because this chick screams comics Black Canary.

I love this show so much. That's really all I gotta say.

I've started doing that for AoS, and I think I might start doing it for Flash and Arrow as well.

Wish it was doing great with its numbers. It's gotten so bad I'm almost expecting to read an article about it being cancelled any day now.

Klik Klak is part of his name. It's a nickname from the longer word. Like Joshua shortened to Josh.

THANK YOU… these guys are not listening.

One can hope. God that show got so much better.

Seriously, sometimes I don't get why these kinds of articles are posted here. Everyone's so highbrow they just see this as "stupid"

You're forgetting the most important part in the scene— the music, which in no way, shape or form hints at some evil sideplot.

They never physically fight. Maul wants Ezra as his apprentice because he knows Ezra has potential and can be molded to his liking, and also as a replacement for Savage.

I don't think there are negative implications.