
This is actually my favorite song on the album.

Reminds me of The Legend of Korra and the Mako-Korra-Asami triangle.


Oh boy. The Flash reeks with that shit. It's really bad. It's worse than when Arrow was doing it every episode.

Nope, Laurel. The actual line was "Are you sure you prefer girls? He was hot!"

I've always liked Oliver as a character, but his scenes tonight just took that to another level.

That's another huge reason why I'm not especially fond of this sideplot.

Pretty sure Savitar killed Rival.

Iris was the ONLY one "papering" over his sins. No else took his side. They were either against him or indifferent.

Honestly, the Cisco thing is where I drew the line.

Sounds like Scrubs.

His stand is hilariously funny. Reset, I think it was called? Fucking legit "lol" funny.

The fact remains that Ollie didn't think about killing the guys he did. He killed like 50 people in Season 1. That's a huge number of "kill first ask questions later".

My mistake, Sir Lincoln.

I thought she didn't know? Chance mentioned something about not updating her on what was going to happen.

There's really this underground love for McKenna, isn't there?

I always knew she had it in her. I mean, even fucking Fitz going full-on field agent when she went missing in the season 3 opener… Boy, something about Simmons just elevates everyone else.

IIRC I felt that it was pretty played up in seasons 1 and 2.

And it doesn't feel rushed.

I honestly never understood the Sin hype. I felt that around that time in the season, she was one character too many.