
That was an interesting read, and ammo for "LUCAS LIED ABOUT PLANNING EVERYTHING" arguments. Thanks so much, man.

That sentence bothered me, because there was an episode dedicated to " the emotional impact of being stranded in time", and it was one of my favorites.

If you can find a link, please tag it here!

I agree with both of you guys.

Those relationship drama examples aren't the same as the stuff Flash and Arrow tend to have.

I get what you're saying about Arrow, but that no-kill rule actually makes the show a little more realistic and fun for me.

*Under breath* holy shit

It was the 70s…

In the comics she is called Black Mariah, which does sound similar to Black Mamba.

I don't think it's as valid to dislike minority killings in a show where the minority characters make up the majority of the cast.

I knew I remembered seeing that name somewhere. Jason O'Mara…

That's where I remember your username from. The Bleach mainstream chapters… Or am I wrong?

DID NO ONE NOTICE Mack finally got his legit Shotgun Axe!?

I realize this may not be the best place to say this, but are you guys not doing Star Wars Rebels reviews anymore?


No ,they've gone on record saying Flashpoint isn't going to last as long as audiences may think.

Or a bum older brother of a doctor.

Money isn't everything. He didn't seem to eager to go back when given the opportunity.

I disagree. He just said Wells daughter was beautiful. I think you're just reading a little too much into it.

I’ve been avoiding talking about Hive’s “real face,” because honestly, it was kind of silly.