
Yeah plus… Dat ass. Dat smile… Those hips…. Patty plz no leave.

Yes… Exactly my problem with that show's ending.

No you wouldn't have.

I'm more bothered by Barry and Patty's situation.

Just started reading that book.

I know but I'd feel better for him to escape first you know?

I'm a little depressed at Will dying… He spent 14 years in solitude, found someone who he cared for and dies saving her, never seeing the world again and just… So many things that just never happened.

Yeah. "Oh shit you got company, you don't want me here, sir."

I feel like Mardon flying was only because Barry reversed time… As like a ramification of some sort.

Well Diggle has pointed out how defensive Ollie gets when it comes to his family.

Fuck Twitter.


Exactly what I want to say. I'm not going to start clamoring how Sava is a horrible reviewer and that he cannot keep doing his job, but if he and I disagree on the show every week it's safe to say that what we look for in a show isn't the same, and that I'm just setting myself up for future confusion every time I read

Oh, shut up.

Agreed. I'm loving this season.

You mean Laurel as a character or Katie Cassidy, the actress playing Laurel?

People wanted her to take forever and a day to learn to fight correctly and this is it. When the pros come out to play you see how much the amateur has yet to learn.

This comment makes me realize how much the show has gotten right in terms of relationships, specifically Olicity. I hated them in season 3, and even though a part of me wants them to split for the sake of the good ol' Green Arrow x Black Canary romance (put your pitchforks DOWN!) I must give credit where it is due.

Apples and oranges.

It's Arrow. No matter how good this season is, whenever people are shown relationship drama it's like a reminder of Season 3, especially if it's about Olicity.