
I thought I was the only one who loved the scene of all the women kicking ass. It reminded me of how much I missed Sara as the Canary.

It's probably the biggest mistake of the season to me personally.

In other words, you've been hurt before and are afraid to fall in love again with another TV couple.

This. I feel like Will's character knew the feelings Simmons had for Fitz and their strength, and I feel like his character would understand that he and Simmons were together only by circumstance and companionship, not by choice.

Haha, I swear you guys are going to make me stop reading Sava's reviews. It's like getting into CinemaSins and noticing faults of every future film you see.

I guess I see what you mean, yet at the same time it's self explanatory. They feel the grade was undeserving and don't care to elaborate. I guess you feel it lacks an open door for discussion?

That's the point though. IT'S A SUBJECTIVE REVIEW. So don't be surprised if people don't always agree.

I agree. I mean, I read and understood what Sava is saying about the episode's faults and the faults of the series in general, but I don't recall being bored with this episode at any moment. It was very thrilling in it's own S.H.I.E.L.D. way.

Maybe numbers wise but speed? Hell no. Who will know Flash/Supergirl's identities by their respective fourth seasons?

Whoa, take it easy man.

Just like all the other victims when they themselves got bit.

Yeah, that's what I meant. (Should have used her name instead!)

I feel exactly the same.

Spider Man knows a thing or two about 'conflicting forces'.

Don't forget Morgan's granola bar quip. Haha.

That sounds more Smallville than Arrow.

I laughed at that.

Give them happiness and then take it away.

Well, I'm outta here before I get drowned in the disappointment. Arrow wasn't as good this season as it was in season 2 but I was still entertained all the way through.

I agree. It was a great season finale to me because it delivered shocks, twists, and set up future episodes.