
Think I'll just stop reading the comments after this one. It's refreshing to see a little positivity about the show after all the complaints, valid or no.

It's a nickname not his real name.

I love how the writers realize this stuff. Remember when one of the cops showed it to Lance as a wanted photo and he scoffs at it?

Yes. Someone who enjoys the flipping as much as I do!

Honestly, the Shado subplot was there for the sole purpose of paralleling "truth" which was a big deal in this episode.

*claps* damn, some good arguments here.

I agree.

You said it: Identity. Most of those somethings can be linked to it.

Salmon Ladder: "You know why I'm here."

I am facepalming with laughter. Why the fuck am I laughing?

Sorry to the reviewer and commenters but I still felt the pain from losing Trip. The mourning worked for me because he did do enough for me to warrant this kinda reaction. He felt Hydra's retaliation when he found out Garrett was one of them. He stood with Coulson against them. He had a nice relationship with the

Very Walking Dead ish.

YES. This is what I meant!

She isn't speaking ill. She's saying Laurel and her sister are different, and in her choice of words, people seem to believe that she is talking shit about Sara.

I forgot, the AV Club guys worship the Salmon Ladder as the one true god.

But no one "shit" on Sara. There was no verbal "shitting" lol. None whatsover, unless you take Felicity's words to a new plane of context.

What else was there? Oh the pretending thing?

Sweet Baby Jesus thank you.

Plot dictates your character! Not you!!

"I guess we have a full-fledged Black Canary on our hands? I figured that would happen, but I hate how the show shit all over Sara for it to happen. "