
Then who's to say he hadn't been punished off screen?

Anyone else felt terrified for Roy when Ollie turned back around after their little spat in front of Thea?

Hey, Vines are hilarious. There are too many of them to knock em all as "crappy short videos"!

That was a pretty sad scene with the Lances… Almost teared up a bit.


I dunno. I see what the reviewer means by mixing romantics subplots and the comic book action into a unholy mix, but it seemed to have worked for me. Nothing felt jarring.

Jealousy? I thought it was simple enough. She wants to have her cake and eat it too.

"GRODD GRODD GRODD GRODD GRODD" should be a meme. When people go beast mode/ape shit, just caption it with GRODD GRODD GRODD GRODD GRODD

I agree. I think the voice thing was a little too far.

You said it. the Canaries ep.

Oh, you're gonna be seeing her soon alright.

You know, I've had a moment where I personally had to be the bearer of really bad news to someone I cared about and… it didn't look good. Not to mention that while it was some BAD NEWS, it wasn't something like death.

I think we all were supposed to laugh. I know I did, and I don't even hate Laurel.

I actually really liked the hairdo he had on this episode, along with the extra beard. Reminded me of a wilder, classic comic book GA.

I know, man.

I learned that character deaths don't need to be dramatic. It's like real life. You can die just like that, for a silly mistake.

Never hated Skye, and Ward just seems more awesome as a villain because we don't know what his true agenda is aside from being with Skye.

No, Flash just has consistenly good writing this season so far whereas Arrow is struggling to get things back on the high season 2 was. I think by the mid season finales both shows will up their games.

I'm still shocked they have the BALLS to do Grodd, which could really be off putting to the casual audience if done wrong. But if it's done right… man oh man, they get props.

"I feel like angry Barry said all of the things that Barry secretly wantsto say to everyone but doesn’t. "