
Barry dared to threaten the Salmon Ladder… the fangirls will ATTACK BARRY RUN!

It's a shame about Nikita. Great show no one watched.

I actually liked that flip. I laughed cuz it was random—but it worked, it's like Roy's signature move.

You're most likely right. The creators have done and will do the same with the REAL plot of the season beginning on the mid season finales.

Personally, this was my favorite episode of the season so far, after Corto Maltese.

Well, there's a few new articles on the season; the writers mention that this and season 2 follow a sequence in which the first 9 episodes serve as a mini season of sorts before the season really picks up.

You really thought this through…

They were after reactions to her roles last season. Apparently, they've got a better handle on what they want her to do and she's doing better in my opinion… but the things they're making her do this episode felt like a step back… almost like they're trying to make more viewers hate her.

I'm calling a red herring.

It always was since S1.

I like reading the reviews here after reading the IGN reviews…

That should be a season 3 blooper!

I agree. I liked it that way as well, though I know others would actually like some prep time for a death.

Totally this.

Kill it! Kill it with fire arrows!

I thought people liked Blacklist? I've always wanted to watch that show.

But that's the problem I have with this "fridging" thing, if a female character dies in a shocking development to motivate a male character, it's deemed bad.

I did, but at that point, I felt I would then be accused of being a blind Laurel fanboy (which you must have assumed, thinking I would have had a retort to every complaint of her character)

…Uh, yeah. Sure, whatever you say….

And that ends this discussion. Thank you for your time.