
They are allowed to make their own stories, and mix it in the comics as well. It makes for a TV show that isn't totally predictable, yes. Characters like Diggle are originally from the TV show. I get that.

Yes, exactly.

Evidently it's because the writers are following the comics. What more do you need?

Maybe she'll dye her hair blonde in honor of Sara instead a wig?
ruh roh, just throwing out ideas.

I think it was out of nowhere because she had just shown up in the episode a few minutes prior. Had she been shown to return in the city near the beginning, it would have been less annoying to you, I think. Her death had no set-up, but it was done that way presumably for shock value.

I don't need much of a reason, it seems pretty clear they're following the comic route and I like that.


I also remember in another interview, the writers said that everyone who becomes a hero in the show has to go through their own "island"— be it literally or metaphorically. Sara dying, I feel is the beginning of Laurel's island.

I remember the writers saying something along those lines, about characters having more use in the show depending on whether or not they knew Ollie was the Arrow.

I totally agree… but it seems very much so that the Laurel hate bandwagon is still a strong thing. The writers did address in an interview that they made mistakes in writing her, so I'm really feeling they'll right their wrongs this season.

I think the second time, Ollie let the drug hit him in an attempt to conquer his fear.

The salmon ladder climbs YOU.

I have a dream… that one day, more fans will be accepting of Laurel, starting this season!

I can see that, but it shouldn't be an argument, just a difference of opinion. I have to respect that.

Well, I'll agree to disagree.

I still feel like LoK book 2 wasn't even that bad, because the second half went full throttle. Only the first half was bad. I mean, it was aight by Avatar standards, but book two was awesome by normal cartoon standards.

As much as I like Laurel's character, this comment made me laugh too hard.

What if it's Professor Ivo?

I like Laurel, and have always liked her as a character.

Well I highly doubt that. I just can't find reason to hate her.