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This is just the new security product from Magnavolt.

A load so big the guy could swing it around in a shopping bag? I’ve hauled much bigger loads than that for work in my Honda.

Exactly - another “I’m shocked to find gambling going on here” situation. Surely a common practice there.

Hey I’m a broker in NYC Mon-Fri and drive an F150 at my weekend place. There’s lots of us.  Will def be looking at a Rivian in a few years.

Now playing

My wife asks me why I say thank you to Siri. I want to be on their good side!

He didnt say NO LOW BALLERS, I KNOW WHAT I HAVE” so that’s a fair bid, Ill go $5,001.01

Finally, is there any real risk in helping friends with their car purchase?

Well they had cooling issues on the C7Z, so maybe now they’ve decided they need ALL THE AIR!

Without all the padding this thing looks pretty shapely. I like the size of those fender intakes.
I hope Tremek helps convince GM to keep a manual option though...even if after a year.

How many times must it be said....measure twice cut once....!!!

Seems like the only acceptable level of tipping here is to empty your wallet out on the table and leave.  Clearly, if you can afford to eat out you can afford to pay your server’s rent that month on top of it.

But the video contains a serious dose of tone-deafness, in that you would be saving money at the direct expense of another person.

Bleh. Tip what you want and don’t give a shit what others think about you and you will be happier in life. When I was poor, I would take my family out once in a blue moon as a treat and you would be lucky if I left any more money than just the coins you gave me back for change. Now that I have money coming out of my

Hot take is edgier when spelled correctly. 

Well, some humans are underrated. Others, like Elon Musk, are quite overrated. 

Ughh, finally a Tesla story. We almost never here from them here

Good buy! Thats a comfortable car! I was looking at GS350's before I ultimately decided I needed a hatchback

Ideally with a Long John Silver’s paper pirate hat.

And an aggressive, “You have besmirtched my Honor, you potato pilfering philistine! Good Day Sir. I said GOOD DAY!

The next time you drive by that restaraunt: