
Was that the host from Epic Meal Time warning the guy his house was on fire?

Yolandi fokkin' Visser? I approve of this picture.

Consult Lord Helix.

It's definitely worth it, and the non-human artwork (monsters, scenery) is amazing. The human characters are Leifeldesque, but if you can just accept that as a given, you'll love it. Also note that the engine was a combination of Vanillaware and the folks that did the Capcom D&D arcade games, and it shows.


There was an old PC game called Septerra Core that had a little bit of that party interaction (some characters would ignore your commands and attack each other; others had out-of-combat interaction with each other; but only one pair had one Dual Techs) in it, and Phantasy Star 4 had a lot of very hidden dual and

My "Wannabe" story:

It's been 20 years since Project SCUM. New boss, same as the old boss.

Only available at one BK, and only during Pride Week? This sounds more like skin-deep corporate sponsorship along the lines of Project SCUM.

Remember those creepy human anatomy dolls from science class? The ones with the removable organs? Mojang and Jinx have teamed up to make one for Minecraft's most iconic villain, and it's incredibly educational.

The link is dead: "This account has been suspended."

Copypasta'ing for truth:

Also, this kind of scenario is a perfect example of a worst case to plan for:

That line of thinking went the way of the dinosaur decades ago. It isn't "journalism" anymore, it's sensationalism.

That description make it sound like he's pushing "separate but equal" for partnerships.

"For all that hockey hullabaloo

That and it would be covered under RICO, opening the ACLU up to having their bank accounts seized.

I was trying to reference an actual MS fuckup and failed. Upon doing a google search, the actual immature error message somebody reserved showed up on Giz back in 2012, and it was 0xB16B00B5. Apparently 8008135 was in earlier versions and was removed.

Error Code 8008135?