
As a refresher, X is for unknown variable (solve for “X”); Æ, pronounced “Ash,” is for AI; and A-12, now A-Xii, is for an aircraft, and the whole thing is for attention.”

If one guy assaults, say, 20 women, and another guy assaults 1, in a contest between the two, you go with the second guy. That’s with all else being equal, which it very much is not. If advocating for not drawing as much attention to this as humanly possible = political expediency/hypocrisy/I’m a bad person, then I

Consistency is not a virtue in politics, it’s an impediment to progress. The reality behind Bernie’s soundbites about doing The Right Thing (often, but not always, in some archaic and irrelevant context) is that [neoliberal shill]’s vote for [now-unpopular piece of legislation] was not a simple act of bad behavior. As

This is an absolutely perfect example of the kind of patronizing, needlessly condescending comment turning moderate-to-left women the fuck off of this “movement.” We know what we’re talking about, italicized Latin or not. Stop lecturing women (or anyone) as if we lack some fundamental knowledge of what we’re voting

It’s astounding to me how many people hold up consistency as some kind of virtue. If you can’t listen, learn, and adjust your platform with new information, you are literally failing to partake in the critical thinking process. I do not hold the same views I held when I was 16, and I do not think the ability to do so


And some of us (I’m a postdoc in physics) are actually socially oriented and find glorifying social ineptitude—as if social skills are somehow distinct from other skills important to research and collaborative scientific output that adults are expected to learn—extremely problematic and a subtle reinforcement of the

Dead on

Over my dead fucking body

I’m poly and I can’t stop laughing at this

This reads as incredibly self-involved and patronizing to me tbh. The view that moderation for the sake of moderation is self-evidently valuable reeks of Christian moralist bullshit.

The resources that helped you discover a lifestyle that makes you feel fulfilled are bad and wrong!!! How will you have kids?!?! Why do you hate your future husband?!?!?! Everyone is screaming about what you do in the bedroom but don’t appropriate the struggles of the queer community!!! EVERY SINGLE POLY PERSON

I dated a guy once who was probably the biggest failure that ever went to my university, on top of being emotionally abusive. He was failed out of three different programs and graduated late on academic probation, and also threatened to kill himself if I didn’t stay with him. Being associated with him was

Why? For recognizing that they now have nothing in common? Seems like the right course of action to me. I pick my friends based on their personalities and interests. If that 180’s, I’m out. I don’t think that makes someone a terrible person.

Thanks for the encouraging words. I doubt any of the small number of faculty could be genuinely convinced that this is a real issue by me alone, but since this episode several other students have made similar complaints. This problem (one of many) was eventually resolved, but god was my blood boiling. Your assessment

This. I’m a Ph.D. student in a STEM field, but our department has a pretty good gender ratio for the subject. There is, however, a woman who absolutely terrorizes everybody in the department. Let’s call her Chelsea (fake). Chelsea demands unabounding help and guidance from everyone- not just on academically relevant