@Spaceboy: They just need to keep rolling and polish this game to a beautiful shine. #granturismo5
@Spaceboy: They just need to keep rolling and polish this game to a beautiful shine. #granturismo5
@long_live_the_E36: It made me cringe... #celebrities
@Mr. Happy: You, Sir, are correct. #modernwarfare2
@Mr. Happy: Ding Ding Ding #modernwarfare2
@False: Well you could just hold it until the match is just about over... then just wipe everybody out... #modernwarfare2
@Bdubb: Unfortunately Motionflow tends to add artifacts to the image at its highest setting. I leave mine on standard to give it a nice smooth look without distortions. #ratchetclank
@Cojo21: Did they ever figure out if the tatoo artist was to blame or if she was just suing for greed? #streetfighteriv
Awesome. Need to represent Nebraska. #avatarmarketplace
@notoriousEIC: Sadly, this is true. At least he now has a show that hasn't been canceled (yet). #uncharted2
@onionhead_o: Well many people can see a resemblance, so I don't think its that far off. #uncharted2
@B1indSide: His voice is way too high... haha maybe if they dub Nolan's voice over his. #uncharted2
D'oh... I guess they'll need to update this utterly senseless accessory for the new DSi LL. #dsi
@SocraticMethod: Exactly... Drake is so similar to Fillion's acting style on Serenity. Also with the music being composed by the same people who did Firefly... It would be such a perfect fit... We can hope can't we? #uncharted2
Fillion FTW
@Tiptoetherat: Haha. I do like the front, but that extreme hatch rear coupled with the odd exhaust tips that are built into the bumper make me cringe... Whereas the corvette makes me feel all fuzzy inside. #specterwerkscorvettegtr
@Tiptoetherat: Unfortunately the Type R is based on an ugly car... Specter Werks took a sexy vehicle and turned it into an abomination. #specterwerkscorvettegtr
Worst exhaust tips i've ever seen. #specterwerkscorvettegtr
@Iron-Balls Minardi: Shucks... I never figured out how to use my rainy dat so I sold it on Craigslist. #stevemcqueen
@MasterSauce: Perhaps they engine swapped it (swaps powertrain as well).
@ThreeOneFive: You no longer support them because they added an additional and OPTIONAL mode? #callofdutymodernwarfare2