@MSUHitman: I love the logo... brings me back to the glory days of the ps2. #playstation3
@MSUHitman: I love the logo... brings me back to the glory days of the ps2. #playstation3
Looks like a picture of somebody in drag. #playstation3
@neoraul20: :D #granturismo
@Deunan: You need to insert [PS1] to hold your argument. They could also be talking about the Playstation as a brand and not as a specific system. This would make Gambit09's post make sense.
@Deunan: Gran Turismo 3 came out on the Playstation 2. #granturismo
@Archaotic: Look no further than the golden arches! #playstationstore
@Techno-Atom: If they release VIII and IX on the PSN, I will buy a PSP instantly. #playstationstore
@Dark_Emerald: hahaha #granturismo5
@#c16027768: Haha... Mikes... I keep picturing free men with PS3s. Perhaps you meant mics?
@MaWeiTao: tC.
@superbadd75, with electrolytes!: Buggy, unpolished arcade racer with bits of simulation... not the same type of game, bud.
@Slayvern: lol
@CorporateFelon: Exactly what I thought.
Oh wow... I thought she was going to give the player a bj when she began to kneel.
@Mike Newlad: I'll be picking up GT5 for use with my Logitech G25 and Playseat, and Forza for my crappy MS wheel and xbox live friends.
@Jeff Nucum: I too wish my G25 worked with forza... instead I'll have to settle for my plastic pedaled, non-900-degree Microsoft steering wheel...