Kevin S

How does politics find its way into a story about an NCAA tournament game? Obsession is a serious symptom. If you want to write in politics Laura leave out the sports. For most of us sports is sovereign from the trash talk.

Whatwas a forklift doing driving on a running track?

Depends on the size of the forklift. They are made to various sizes and weights according to what they will be used for. No matter, a small one at 4,000 lbs has no pot clearance so if an appendage was run over it’s crushed.

According to the HBO Isis interview, he claimed that every time we take out 100, 200 more show up for training. His assertions are in doubt of course as terrorists pride themselves on deceit. Take Iran as an example and this phony nuclear deal. I think some of them became injured from laughing to hard and long.

Of course. They’ve been waiting 70 years to get rid of them.

Maybe they should quit inviting them in.

Please read my prior post above. They’re recruiting has absolutely nothing to do with what we have done or are doing. It is solely based on their Fundamentalist belief in Sharia law and the establishment of another caliphate. According to American Muslims who joined Isis and left after seeing the extreme barbarism and

How about the reality that extremist jihad and a caliphate has been the goal since 660 AD. To say that we made these terrorists is a statement of pure ignorance. All you have to do is read the books written by all of the American Muslims who state that all of this terrorist propaganda and recruiting is done purely on

At least your an equal opportunity finger pointer. I agree. It’s been a fuckup from the beginning. It is also why George H W was smart enough to crush Iraq’s army in Kuwait and leave it at that. Taking out dictators only further destabilized these areas resulting in more people killed than the dictator killed. Iraq,

Whenwe won’t bomb oil refineries due to climate concerns we are in serious trouble. Time to reassess our M O. It’s absolutely insane.

Thatis patently false. Isis did not organize until we withdrew. Had we stayed they never would have gotten going. And, per Muslims in the states, their recruiting is solely based on the Koran. Especially the last three chapters that grow steadily in advocating jihad and mass murder, slavery, and pedophilia.

I think it’s time for the next president to reapprove the Thor project for taking out underground facilities. We are going to need them for Iran. 20 foot tungsten poles fired from satellite plateforms using only kinetic energy. And how about the 2 billion 747 laser middle killers. We developed two but those got cut

And their hellfires are only 110 grand each.

If they didn’t have a more advanced variant you wouldn’t be seeing F35's. Now all we need to do is get them to perform as designed. Serious problems with them right now.

2014 dollars per Jane’s Defense Weekly tomahawk missiles were 1.6 million each.

Unfortunately NATO is primarily a political organization at this point and reluctant to follow the ataack on one is tenet. No-one is willing to take a leadership role in this and I still contend the main reason is financial. All of these countries are in financial dire straights but just won’t admit it. Always follow

The vast majority of sorties that we fly return with their missiles. I would think we would have the sense to use drones first to verify hard targets before flying F16'a at $23,000.00 per hour.

Long ago even world war two gravity bombs were converted to smart bombs with a simple conversion kit developed by some clever military engineer. We have probably used all those up already.

Blame extremist fundamentalists.

The cause was our failure to maintain a status of force instead of withdrawal. A second major mistake following the folly of taking out middle east dictators. When will we learn that people unwilling to fight and die for democracy don’t want it and don’t deserve it. Democracy only works for those willing to fight to