
You take that back. Humphrey Bogart never made a movie for "pussies" in his life.

They've already proven that they can jump between Earth's with a wave of Cisco's hand - or that thing he gave Supergirl - so what difference does it make what earth she lives on?

And when I do it behind the 7-11 it's "Mopery With Intent To Creep."

"The Laker Girls must be taken down a peg or two!" - Casey Affleck

Walton Goggins could do it. I can't think of anyone else.

automagicalerotic Asphyxiation?

What?! Gymkata matches the skill of gymnastics with the kill of karate. It's about the most effective martial art going. If not for Gymkata, Parmistan would be under the control of a murderous lunatic.

What's there to see after you've "already seen everything?"

I don't see how any movie can be worse than Yoga Hosers.

I hope they show him suiting up some time, and he has a helmet type device he puts on for 5 seconds and when it comes off, his hair is braided.

Do you really think Hitchcock couldn't kick a little ass when it came time to protect his family?

You sure write about this movie a lot. Did Dawes do the soundtrack?

He was in "Monsters" which is the opposite of a lifetime pass.

George missed the point of what the man said. He used him as an example of what not to do.

Still no mention of Jane Foster? She's been the heart and soul of this franchise from the beginning - well, her and the talking pie.

How did she travel there from the Satellite Of Love?

He's a Trump apologist! Get him!

RZC ties with Monster a-Go-Go for me. They couldn't even bother to record a real telephone ringing.

"The Batman will not be pleased." - Alfred (John Reynolds)

"Yeah, but Jar Jar makes the Ewoks look likeā€¦ Fuckin' Shaft! - Tim, Spaced.