
Maybe they should ask Thor for some of that Asgardian grog that knocked Stan Lee on his ass?

Put it into a big chunk of concrete, drop it into the Marianas trench. Problem solved.

Welles/Thawne left him everything. There were probably a number of patents involved.

It was kind of presumptuous to put her name on the lease.

Barry: "I signed a lease and put both of our names on it."
Iris: "I got you a wallet."

It's a good trailer because it shows all of Neo's skills: Hacker skills, Bo Staff skills, Ninja skills…

Is Transpotting a porno?

That may be the best review I have ever read.

As I recall, season one Welles had a pretty sweet crib.

The crazy, cuckoo, super God of speed.

Ninja 3: The Domination.

Of course it's the original The Prisoner. There was no remake! THERE WAS NO REMAKE! GOT IT!

I was wondering what to get Sean O'Neill for Xmas.

And now trump is gonna be president, and Alec Baldwin is hosting a game show. It's a win-win for the both of them.

Sutherland was the bomb in The Puppet Masters, yo!

Shit just got real!

I think Katey Sagal did a cover of Sid's cover of My Way. It was acoustic and played a lot slower.

It may not have been an unintended consequence. There's no guarantee that Dante wouldn't have died no matter what Barry did to the timeline. He was hit by a drunk driver and killed. Barry changing the past didn't save Laurel, Moira or Robert Queen, so there's no reason to think that Dante would have been saved either.

Baldwin's word is no good. He threatened to leave the country when W was elected. Yet here we are.

A three pack of fire detectors at Lowe's is less than 40 dollars. I am as big a free enterprise person as you'll find on this site, but you could have made that place a lot safer for less than a hundred dollars.