Ogre Jehosephatt


That would be better, but the best solution is to not have an origin for his last name. Why isn’t it believable that Solo is an actual surname in a galaxy far, far away? Hell, it’s an actual surname on Earth.

I’ve played ESO for over a year and I’ve never had a subscription.


I kinda envy you. I want to be able to play Dark Souls for the first time again. If you stream your games, I’d totally watch it.

How is it rage inducing? Especially compared to DS2?

Yeah, that kinda bothers me, too. I think Tettix really wanted the stairs to the Abyss to be prominent.

Looking at the pictures, it appears that they removed it. I’m trying to get confirmation that I’m seeing what I think I’m seeing.

Oh, wait, I see it now. Heather skipped the stat in her explanations, though.

What a piece of shit.

Do you have an example of an artfully executed jump scare?

The Lone Gunmen was such a big disappointment to me. I still think the show could have worked, but they, inexplicably, tried to lean into dumb slapstick, insisted on having other characters around which I hated, and making the trio far less competent then they should have been.

This isn’t to say this show couldn’t have

Haha, thanks for the reply. I had completely forgotten that I made the comment above and I made myself laugh pretty hard being reminded of it. I wasn’t being serious there. I was being needlessly aggressive.

I was imagining there was a person had bad eating habits, and hated to be called out on it, so he would be


My only memory of this game is that I actually got a hold of a copy several days before it came out. I was fairly excited for it. The actual game disappointed me, and I don’t remember enough to articulate why, but this is the only game I’ve ever returned. I got decent credit for it, since I traded it in only a day or

Heh. Recently, I hit this annoying roadblock just discussing a possible campaign. Our almost monthly, 8 person D&D game came to a halt a little while back because the DM is now raising his spawn.

And I would really underscore that you’re only taking a chance by staying out in the open. I’ve ran and driven through Red Zones unscathed far more than I’ve taken hits.

I definitely like the Red Zones as a way to raise the tension. The Red Zones are far from an insta-kill. I mean, if one of the bombs hit you, you’re in trouble, but it’s actually pretty unlikely for them to hit you. I can’t count the number of times I’ve weighed my options I decided to say “fuck it” and run or drive

Does this mean they’ll play Tank! on a loop? Because I’d be okay with that.

I’m not quite hearing it. I don’t really see that she’s seems to think Chun-Li is a bad guy. I mean, in the song, other people are accusing Minaj of being the bad guy, and she seems to identify with Chun-Li, but in the line,

Haha, I had the same thought.