
You’ve proven you can count to 12...which seems to be the extent of your knowledge. There are several crap doctors out there but a good D.C. is legit. NOT saying this Group guy is but, lets watch the generalities...

This is still America right? I mean, I know Trump is doing his best to fuck it all up but we’re still “innocent until proven guilty” over here, yeah? What the attorney said was clearly stupid and sexist however, the man on trial was found NOT GUILTY. The fact the majority of them were women should help those freaking

Nope, we can’t...

Not very bright I see. Is all this anger because you were relieved of your duties? There’s a lot of “self importance” around here but it’s not coming from me. Thank you Capt Obvious, for pointing out everyone in the military is paid to follow lawful orders. Clearly you’re the hero....

That may be how it works in other branches but the Air Force sure as shit doesn’t have mindless robots running around blindly taking orders; officer or enlisted. No Airman (big “A”) will follow an unlawful order from ANYONE. The military isn’t/shouldn’t be political, period.

Class act!lol Since when is it acceptable to insult enlisted members of any branch? Get a clue.

Your comment is unprofessional and uncalled for. As an officer, you should know better. To anyone else reading this, jrhmobile is not representative of an Air Force officer. As I can only presume he is a rather new Lt, please forgive his ignorance. With time and proper mentorship, he will learn to THINK before he

And this wall will do what for America? Serious question.

Add Airwolf to that list as well. Still love that theme song though...

~psst~ No console game has every taken this much needed approach....

6th Gear (or 7th, 8th)