
The technical term for what the plastic turns into on these cars is “brittle as fuck.” A light breeze will break a ‘70s dash pad. Once all the phthalates have evaporated out of the material it’s game over.

I’m overjoyed. Oh, wait, no, that’s not how you spell “don’t give a fuck beyond writing this and a couple more comments here”.

Of course the guys doing this rite of passage don’t need to be wearing clothes -- they’re already in trunks 

I already had one, as a kid

I actually got a guy to take his off his truck by convincing him that it was a signal that gay truck owners used as a signal to other gay men like the whole earring thing. Never underestimate the motivating power of ignorance and bigotry.

If I were rich I’d buy this, but only ironically. It would have one purpose: to drive my daughter to school in an effort to teach her humility.

Let me help.

Relax, it’s not Pennsylvania.

Hi. Me again. Just a few clarifications for those not from Canada.

This car is something of an enigma. So it’s no surprise that we’re being asked to perform a Touring test.

Hey David Tracy, you see all that rust?  I have a bridge to sell you.

Ok. Slowly and clearly.

They have been calling them the Flu Trucks Klan up here.

It was the Jewish Space Laser!

Countdown to false-flag government operation theories....

Here’s a thought....stop flying so much!

In fact, drive your ass around in a fuckin’ Tesla.  MUCH harder to track!

Then I say buy one now!

All of that up there is stuff Elon is pulling ex recto.”


David, that’s a hubcap, not a hat.

Alternate math: