The technical term for what the plastic turns into on these cars is “brittle as fuck.” A light breeze will break a ‘70s dash pad. Once all the phthalates have evaporated out of the material it’s game over.
The technical term for what the plastic turns into on these cars is “brittle as fuck.” A light breeze will break a ‘70s dash pad. Once all the phthalates have evaporated out of the material it’s game over.
I’m overjoyed. Oh, wait, no, that’s not how you spell “don’t give a fuck beyond writing this and a couple more comments here”.
Of course the guys doing this rite of passage don’t need to be wearing clothes -- they’re already in trunks
I already had one, as a kid
I actually got a guy to take his off his truck by convincing him that it was a signal that gay truck owners used as a signal to other gay men like the whole earring thing. Never underestimate the motivating power of ignorance and bigotry.
If I were rich I’d buy this, but only ironically. It would have one purpose: to drive my daughter to school in an effort to teach her humility.
Let me help.
Relax, it’s not Pennsylvania.
Hi. Me again. Just a few clarifications for those not from Canada.
This car is something of an enigma. So it’s no surprise that we’re being asked to perform a Touring test.
Hey David Tracy, you see all that rust? I have a bridge to sell you.
Ok. Slowly and clearly.
They have been calling them the Flu Trucks Klan up here.
It was the Jewish Space Laser!
Countdown to false-flag government operation theories....
Here’s a thought....stop flying so much!
In fact, drive your ass around in a fuckin’ Tesla. MUCH harder to track!
Then I say buy one now!
“All of that up there is stuff Elon is pulling ex recto.”
David, that’s a hubcap, not a hat.
Alternate math: