I am not a fan of proposal videos. Sorry people, I appreciate the planning, the talent, and the creativity that…
I am not a fan of proposal videos. Sorry people, I appreciate the planning, the talent, and the creativity that…
Okay, listen Regina Spektor, vocal artist behind the theme song for hit Netflix show Orange is the New Black. I…
Columbia University senior Emma Sulkowicz is carrying her mattress to class every day until her rapist leaves…
The only time you should ever say "fuck" is if you're talking about your tropical fish. This guy: 500; All other…
You often see a refrain in the comments of posts about how maybe fat people are humans and don't deserve to be…
New York City's bed bug scare is not over. The little bloodsuckers are reportedly spreading across the city via the…
There comes a time in every man's life when he, even if just for a second, wants to dress well for some reason or…
It's your lucky day: A new episode of Ask a Mortician has arrived, full of totally true death facts.
When you're working on a project that you want to present, it's tempting to want to keep it to yourself to "protect…
Your education doesn't have to stop once you leave school. We've put together a curriculum of some of the best…
On Tuesday night, The Daily Show dived head first into the great catcalling debate, with spectacular results.
Columbia University senior Emma Sulkowicz (whom we have written about before) has taken her experience attending…
Hey all you nostalgia-riddled trainwreck lovers! Don't forget the shitshow that is Lifetime's The Unauthorized Saved by the Bell Story will air tonight at 9/8c. Mandatory: Your finest bagged wine/homemade moonshine and a handful horrendous neon scrunchies (to set fire to, duh).
Just when you thought a cat intensely chasing a laser pointer couldn't get anymore engrossing, along comes an…
First of all, can I just say that of all the missionaries, Mormon missionaries are the best dressed? Second, awww,…
Ok does anyone know how we can watch the episodes in the states this Fall instead of waiting until January?
The trailer for the upcoming season of Downton Abbey is here! Complete with allusions to scandalous secrets, cheeky…