
Some people are just jerks regardless of gender, and you don't have to be nice to her if she's not nice to you. If she's "one of the guys" at this point then it'll take a while for her to grow up and realize that having female friends rocks, but until then you shouldn't waste your energy on her. It doesn't sound

Seriously. Unless they're character actors or have aged out of sex-symboldom, celebrities are for the most part incredibly attractive human beings: It'd be weird if people with functioning libidos didn't have crushes on them.

The "five by five" thing always bugged the heck out of me, especially since it was supposed to be "a Boston thing". I am from Boston and trust me, no one has ever said that phrase there. Ever.

That's two out of lots. (I'd add Pennsatucky, Piper, and Alex to the list of people who just plain broke the law. Especially Pennsatucky.) Admittedly I'm only halfway through the second season so there may be more.

Plus I think they get e-coli tainted from fertilizers as well as animals wandering through the fields and pooping as they graze.

The photo registered with my brain before the headline did, and my knee-jerk reaction was "that's a pile of e-coli!". I've been trained to avoid raw bean sprouts more than any other food out there, pretty much.

That's a problem I've had with this show from the start, (and I'm a chick) in fact we were having this conversation over dinner just now: a lot of the female prisoner's backstories are that they did something stupid one time but they had really good reasons/were trying to please a man. Honestly I'd like it more if

From the neck down it would appear to be Homer Simpson choking Bart Simpson, which just addel layers of yuck for me.

Actually, no, you're not going to find it between every parent and child, no matter how hard you look. My parents never raised a hand to me. If you looked for signs of abuse between my parents and myself there would be none. Ever.

He's a very, very handsome dude so no, not the only one.

Yeah, he's got a gorgeous Brazilian wife. *sigh* Not that I've spent time googling him or anything...

Surr-iously. Like, lift that poor babies head up a little.

I'm just really, really, really hoping that child isn't paralyzed or something. The way there's only movement in the eyes makes me nervous. It's pretty great otherwise!

That is hilarious and true!

Workbook is coming across as much less of a dumbass than you right now. Politics were already in the mix, unless you thought Fuck Europe was somehow politics free?

You're spouting nonsense and not actually comprehending what workbook is saying. As a casual observer let me tell you, you're the one who looks like an idiot.

I was thinking spray tan, which is essentially make-up via airbrush. No one is naturally that color.

Yeah, I thought that was amazingly tasteless as well.

Super steady handed, considering he was filming with the other one!

I was thinking that it was always Chinese Cresteds too, but then I read the part about the last five winners: The past five winners have included a duck-footed beagle, boxer and basset hound mix with a waddle, a Chinese crested and Chihuahua mix with a protruding tongue and short tufts of hair and a Chihuahua with a