
It's my understanding that there's a lot of meanings behind the teardrop tattoo, from killing someone to having a friend die while you're in prison to being in a gang. From Urban dictionary:

"Off" could be construed as the negative to the positive "On" especially in an electrical current sense, but here works too.

Seriously. Don't liberal arts colleges teach kids about double negatives?

I love that you've got a Jodorowsky quote in a Dirt Bag. Everyone should watch Jodorowsky's Dune. He's delightfully bonkers. (well, if you're not related to him. I bet that shit gets old.)

I'm with you on everything but race, in fact I think you're crazy wrong on that point.

My BFF loooves him and he's truly a great player but... something about him leaves me cold. Different strokes and all. :)

He does absolutely nothing for me, physical perfection and all. I think it's the hair gel.

Oh my god yes. Pretty, pretty boys who I would never want to have a single conversation with. They're lovely to look at though.

Not incestuous, no. Just kind of icky. Like, when she was changing diapers he was in diapers. They have always been at very different stages of development. That's weird without bringing incest into it.

I'm a few years younger than her and I really don't think I'd want a 24 year old. It'd be like adopting a puppy or something. Heck, when I was twenty five I briefly dated a 21 year old and after a few months I was like "whoops, we're not on the same page here."

He's been fit since they cast him in Guardians of the Galaxy but they've downplayed it in the last season (and a half?) of Parks and Rec.

I came here to marvel at that thought as well. It seems like it would take a lot of work.

You can stack same sized plates, you know. After you've done that, you can even put the smaller plates on the bigger plates, and littler ones on top! If you just needed room, there are ways to make it without going and getting someone. It's not that big a deal.

Is it mean of me to hope that they go through and incredibly awkward period very soon? It probably is but I don't care.

I'm really, really hoping it's fake fur on both of them.

Breasts/nudity and "sexuality" are in fact two different things. Women's bodies aren't just sex objects, they are the bodies we live in. Nudity isn't inherently sexual, but we've been taught that our breasts are something shameful that we need to cover, lest we stir lustful thoughts in the menz. Fighting that

SO much more sense. Someone upthread said she's a nurse? I don't even know what to say.

I was wondering why the heck she used anything hot, let alone hand those things? That's just stupid on so many levels. Don't use heat on inflamed areas ever ever ever.

I will always love Barry with all my heart, freakish plastic surgery or no.

"it's a shame her escort ruined it by making sure everyone knew he was staring right at her ass. COME ON DUDE."