
Boy that makes me feel better because I had no intention of getting it to begin with.

That’s actually a good point. Though nowadays it’s a lot easier to share screenshots and clips on the PS4 and really all platforms. 

This is only slightly related but man am I really enjoying Destiny 2 since it launched on Steam. I played it when it came out and didn’t feel much for it. Only finished the main campaign. After trying the free content for a bit I grabbed Shadow Keep and Forsaken and man has the game gotten a lot better since I played

I pretty much only use Facebook to send messages to my mom because her cell phone has bad reception at home. Outside of that, yeah, I utterly hate the site and am happier for not using it anymore. 

That’s fine because neither do I. The Facebook stuff with the ps4 was always a weird and pointless addition. 

Now playing

because nintendo fans are anime/children and sony gamers are adults.

I love how visually spellbinding they managed to make a single location. Remedy should be commended for how spectacular Control’s art direction is. 

You joke but it could happen. Gearbox released this game 5 years too late, who is to say they won’t add a battle royal mode 3 years too late.

My mom

Hard agree, it’s always distracting!

I dunno, that’s still pretty far in the uncanny valley as far as I’m concerned.

As exciting as this is, their lineup and output of original NES games has been less than stellar. Frankly it’s been abysmal. So I’m not very confident in this. I’d be more excited if they’d tap into their N64 and Gamecube games

There was a lot of great stuff today but I cant help but be a little let down by the lack of any news on Metroid Prime 4. I know, I know, it’s likely a ways off. But I’d hope they would at least release the original prime trilogy on the Switch. Lawd knows I’d buy the shit out of that.

It’s a shame because I was looking forward to this one. Oh well, I’ll just go play DOOM or Quake or something. Basically the same thing. 

I dunno but I star’d your comment and am replying. Hopefully that helps. 

You know the great thing about this day and age is that homophobic pricks like you who unironically get upset over “SJW’s”are so easy to spot. You guys just can’t wait to yell about how much you want to be edgy ass holes who get TRIGGERED by the existence and feelings of non straight white men like the snowflakes you

Don’t get me started on the past 3 1/2 years we still gotta make up for :/

This is exactly the kind of wholesome story I need in this, the year of our lord 2019.

This is still my favorite game in the series and just one of my favorite games period. 

Yeah, I really liked it but it really needed more time to breathe and let it’s ideas and story set in. I know it’s DLC and definitely on a budget but I completed it in about 2 hours. It needed to be at least 4 or 5. More quiet moments like the slime clearing section were definitely needed. Like a longer segment of