I really want to get excited for this game. But the micro transaction bullshit is giving me serious pause. Also the fact that they turned the giant spider into a sexy lady because reasons.
I really want to get excited for this game. But the micro transaction bullshit is giving me serious pause. Also the fact that they turned the giant spider into a sexy lady because reasons.
God I hope they’re being coy about that. I’d absolutely love a Halo 3 anniversary. The Master Chief collection was a mess, sure, but that shouldn’t deter them from keeping the tradition alive.
Strange, I wonder if they have some new exclusive games to show off or something? As others have said, they might show off Crackdown 3 to put people’s minds at ease given it’s recent delay. Who knows.
Yeah, I posted that comment on my phone and I guess it decided milk toast was what I meant. Blasted auto correct.
Yeah, that is really moronic on their part. I love customizing my character and squad mates in games. DA:I was great for that reason. The characters typically had a few looks but you can mix and match as well as dye their armor to make it look great. I know that’s a really silly thing but having a team that looks cool…
Yeah, I am sick to death of Bioware games being ultra big and open world. That was one of Andromeda’s biggest problems. Too much shit thrown at you. The original trilogy was focused. There was little in the way of senseless busywork. Andromeda is 75% busywork. By the time I got to the final few missions I was just…
Yeah, I don’t get why they did that. I guess they were going the soft reboot route like The Force Awakens but it didn’t really work. I’d much rather them tell a completely new story than try to repeat themselves. Also, who the fuck thought it was a good idea to carry over all the bad shit from ME1, like constant…
Man I remember when they announced Command and Conquer Generals 2 and it was followed up with absolutely nothing. Yeah, I feel like it was a huge mistake for them to try to expand like that. It only ever caused them problems.
Agreed. It’s a real tragedy because I honestly expected Andromeda to be what you describe. They seemed to be going in the right direction with it. :/
Terrible isn’t exactly the world I’d use. Though it’s appropriate. I’d say Mass Effect Andromeda’s biggest sin is it’s fucking boring. They had an opportunity to do literally ANYTHING and went with the most milk toast and safe option at every turn. It’s especially upsetting when you seen bits of concept art like this…
Yeah, but I feel like that setting would be pretty limiting. If I were told to pitch a Mass Effect game I’d probably do a small scale adventure where you play a smuggler or something. No galaxy ending threat or military stuff. Just give the player a cool personal story and a chance to live in that universe before the…
Yeah, I was thrilled to hear Hudson had returned to Bioware. People gave him a lot of shit after ME3's ending but that guy managed to actually fulfill the promise of a planned trilogy. That is no small feat on top of creating such a beloved and fully realized world like Mass Effect.
You will get no argument from me there. The foundation is solid. It is just such a shame that they weren’t able to make it the game we all knew it could be.
Yeah, I guess so. I mean, I’m as big a fan of Mass Effect as you can get. It hurts to see it in this state. Though, I’ll be honest, even if they did roll out new single player DLC for ME:A I don’t know if I’d play it. I’ve got little inclination to return to Andromeda. However, a remaster of the original trilogy? Now…
I think we all knew this was gonna be the case when they announced the team would return to it’s support role. It’s a shame how Andromeda turned out. It had such potential. Now I’m just wondering what the future of Mass Effect will be, if there is indeed a future for the series at all. Seems like people are still very…
This looks amazing and I’m all for remastering Diablo II but...well...these things rarely get finished. So I’m not gonna hold my breath. I’ll be sure to keep an eye on it, however.
The worst part is he probably thinks this will be great PR for him. His idiotic pre-teen fans will say it is. But us adults know better. I used to not mind Pewdiepie. Then I was apathetic, but you know what? I think I’m about ready to straight up dislike him now. Not because he’s popular, or because he screams at…
How the fuck did this dipshit become president?!
I watched this animated opening cinematic for the game they released a few days ago. It’s crazy to see that in 2017. It’s a perfect distillation of Sonic in the 90's, when the games were at their best. I am very excited for Sonic Mania, and to say that about a sonic game in 2017 is a good feeling.
I think Sonic CD is arguably the best of the bunch. It’s real cheap on the PC. You should give it a try.