I bet she absolutely wouldn’t have gone anywhere near him if there weren’t a billion cameras and her husband didn’t have one of Trump’s flabby hands trapped in a deathgrip.
I bet she absolutely wouldn’t have gone anywhere near him if there weren’t a billion cameras and her husband didn’t have one of Trump’s flabby hands trapped in a deathgrip.
In my experience with European greetings — the air-kisses, with a varying number depending on which country, lol — you don’t grab somebody by the shoulders and DRAG them into forced cheek smooches with actual contact like Trump did (ew, ew, ew,ew, ewwww), you ...wait for them to lean in first until you’re sure…
I think I saw one tiny house episode where it was dad buying a tiny house on wheels after the divorce. “The kids will love it! We’ll travel all around the country having adventures!”
The Tenderman mansplains mansplaining.
I dunno. That guy playing guitar on the stairs at the Toga Party in Animal House? Tenderman.
Did you take any women’s studies classes? I think that’s where the tender men go to pick up women lovers.
Imagine Matt McGorry without the charisma:
Thank Jesus he wasn’t wearing leggings though!!!
Look at the number of photos with leaders smiling, being animated and Trump looking vacant. Then the wandering around aimlessly. Of course he has alzheimer’s or dementia. But the fucking GOP leaders don’t care. It is Weekend at Donnie’s for them every day in DC.
The parents could share that information with the doctor simply by allowing the baby to be examined. The fact that they won’t, shows that they put their social concerns about gender above any medical concerns they might have- they see it as primary importance to keep the sex a secret and secondary importance to…
all birth certificates are non-gender specific.
they list sex. stop purposefully conflating the two to make points.
Yes! Thank you! And besides from, you know, biological facts, this is a clear case of a parent forcing their viewpoint on a child long before the child is able to decide anything for him or herself.
I actually think this is silly and super performative on the mom’s part. Acknowledging your baby’s apparent biological sex doesn’t mean gender norms or even a gender has to be forced on them. If everything looks standard down below, as the vast majority of genitals do, you can tell what sex the kid is with great…
This. Sex and gender are two different things. It’s also relevant for things like statistics. Honestly, this is just silly.
There was nothing in WW that was about the male gaze.
Oh... Sweetie...
What was so incredible about Clueless was that it was by and for girls in a way that was not specifically trying to appeal to guys. I think Bridesmaids and Mean Girls are the only other movies like it.
“I don’t know. I just feel like, over the years, there was Mean Girls, there was Clueless, over time we have had so many movies that have been female-driven,” she continued. “But we have also always had these pay issues, so it’s a few steps forward a few steps back.”
Media training must be a hell of a thing, to get her to spin circles around herself like that. In her place, my instinctive response would be “What the **** does that have to do with anything?”
Alicia I too long for a day when big budget films directed and starring women won’t seem like a big deal, but we aren’t there. Clueless was released over 20 years ago, and female directed blockbusters are just as uncommon now as they were then. Wonder Woman isn’t a big deal because it’s the first of its kind, it’s a…