It depends on the store, but proper grocery store brands are head and shoulders above most nationwide brands. Shouts out to publix especially, pretty much anything from them is good.
It depends on the store, but proper grocery store brands are head and shoulders above most nationwide brands. Shouts out to publix especially, pretty much anything from them is good.
Its never ok to drive an automatic. I dont care if you lost both legs saving your buddies in iraq while winning the medal of honor. If you’re driving an automatic, i look at you disapprovingly. Take the bus instead, Sgt.Stumpy.
Violence is a great way to resolve conflict permanently. My excuse for violence is that progressives are trying to create a secular humanist, multicultural society by displacing our Judeo-Christian western patriarchy one. For that they, and their spouses and children, deserve death.
So start shooting. Get a gun, find some republican nazis, and blow them away. I fucking lust for civil war and cant wait to return fire. You must know by now there is no america and we cannot be in the same society.
I’m not here to entertain anyone.
You need to walk away from the news for a few weeks, at least. Trump isnt evil, and especially isnt that evil. You’re being manipulated into being upset to make media companies money.
Especially if you slept on them all night and created new wounds, new opportunities for infection. Sepsis is a real danger with the weakened immune system of an old woman.
Pure Democracy is fucking awful, america wasnt and isnt set up to be one, and it was only in the late 1800s and early 1900s that the idea to make america one was first thought up. Universal suffrage was a major mistake as is going to kill america very soon.
Acceptable push back is coming up with a better idea than his, and defeating his idea with your idea. Otherwise i dont want to hear you crying when someone on the left gets shot or mail bombed. The incivility sword cuts both ways, and the idea that “We’re the good guys, its different for us” is really narrow minded…
Dude... they said “We know where you sleep at night”. If thats not a violent threat by a mob (loaded word, i know) than words dont mean things anymore.
Sorry the aged veteran public servant doesnt have the wisdom of a 28 year old JOURNALIST libby. He must be crazy.
It might as well not exist if it costs over $100,000. Im about as impressed as a consumer product as i am by a billion dollar jet. Its real, its impressive, but its not relevent in the world of “cars”. Slower, worse cars for cheaper, please auto industry.
One thing i’m curious about, since they made much political hay and so many people cared about “Our broken medical system” on the left before the elective, but are you not arguing to replace obamacare? If obamacare is so broken, why would you pass it in the first place?
sure did, but i’ve known about this for hours. i dont rely on “the root” to inform me.
Got it, so sending a politically active woman criticism of the media she produces (comicsgate, gamergate, ect) is threatening behaviour and targeted harassment, and you’re banned from society.
But literal KKK style crowds gathering outside your door in the night and shouting threats at you and your family is “Peaceful…
All we need is a civil war and some ethnic cleansing and we can easily stop the reconquista. White people didnt get on top by luck, we got there by killing children.
> “Racism — whether it comes packaged in the Nazi’s brown shirt or a three-button suit — destroys the moral fiber of a nation.” - “Hey hey LBJ how many kids did you kill today?”
Its a feature, not a bug. The idea that we are one united nation is an experiment that was only a few short decades old at the time and the…
Isnt it cruel to prop the dried corpse of a once-great woman up for all this time? Seriously longevity is something to be respected, but i think “Late 80s” is retirement time for pretty much anyone. The body doesnt have much time left
Yea it kind of works both ways, a fall might be a sign that they are weakening or having coordination problems that are the very very very early signs of something more serious down the road. No matter how healthy you are by your mid 80s your brain is starting to fail, like a car with 400,000 miles on it. It might be…