Fuck the locals, they’re mostly foreign or foreign-collaborators anyway. They’ll be first against the wall.
Fuck the locals, they’re mostly foreign or foreign-collaborators anyway. They’ll be first against the wall.
Eww, socialism.
The idea that more people should be banned doesnt make me want to support you. Also LOL at men wearing female skin and taking over progressive feminism. Hilarious.
You sure.... showed....them? (you didnt)
If you think white men are the biggest terrorists you dont know what terrorism is. You cannot be the dominant political force in society and also be a terrorist. You dont need to be a terrorist if you hold the reigns of power. Either white privilage is a lie or white terrorism is. Take your pick.
> But folks like you decry any attempt to do so by shouting “SOCIALISM!” the way one might shout FIRE! in a movie theater to generate panic.
Buddy, with respect, i get that this is a slam dunk argument when fighting neocons, but im putting forward fairly reasoned and detailed problems with advocating for the control of…
> but a purely capitalistic one isn’t any better.
Its straight up better. Like, way less poverty, way WAY less poverty. Way more human rights. Less corruption. Its pretty much a slam dunk for capitalism. An empowered working class sounds great until you realize (too late) that this means an empowered government to root…
Im glad you noticed the avatar i’m quite proud of it.
Lol, while a doctor has a right to refuse service for moral reasons, this protection does not extend to life-saving or emergency situations. She or He would stabilize me and refer me to another physician or (s)he’d be out of a career faster than you can say “The medical board demands your resignation”.
Source: Doctor.
She was a lawyer, right? Being a lawyer, even a public defender, is not public service. Also its kind of fun in a misogynist way to consider that Hillary Clinton, the woman tapped for decades to be the first woman president wound up with the highest title being, and would forever be known as: “Secretary”. Lol.
You cant distance socialist governance from socialist economics. I dont do theory here, and in practice it results in an empowered class “protecting” the workers with increasingly violent means. Unless you’re one of these kids who thinks denmark and sweden are socialist countries (They disagree with you)
The boss can be fired without either of you being at serious risk of death or exile. And not like “Toxic workplace i was forced out” exile, i mean “Live in the woods or die” exile.
Its just a dude with a beard. You have to be employing some kind of midwestern white dude prejudice here. Such is your hatred that it warps what people look like.
He was the only person sticking up for white dudes?
He means former american slaves, idiot.
I mean how many people here have severed ties with family over being trump supporters? Why be suprised that it works both ways?
I can do better than that: “Socialism breeds working cultures that promote based on loyalty, not merit, and this naturally breaks working cultures down into backstabbing factions” “This also applied to governance, where former allies make ‘credible allegations’ against each other to suck up to the boss, at least until…
He looks normal fam, you’re overdoing it.
Your cowardly gun owning conservative fantasy is always entertaining. The enemy is both a serious terrorist threat, and a comical helpless force of idiots. lol.