Secular humanists, multiculutralists and postmodernists get the bullet, first.
Secular humanists, multiculutralists and postmodernists get the bullet, first.
I mean in our defense all the immigrants coming in via that port were white. You never said anything about brown, nonchristian foreigners.
THe 14th amendment was intended to give natives and freed slaves citizenship rights. It wasnt modified to include birthright citizenship when rich fuck railroad tycoons needed legal protection for their chinese racial wage slaves to build their railroads for no money without fear of deportation. Thats why it can be…
THe 14th amendment was intended to give natives and freed slaves citizenship rights. It wasnt modified to include birthright citizenship when rich fuck railroad tycoons needed legal protection for their chinese racial wage slaves to build their railroads for no money without fear of deportation. Thats why it can be…
THe 14th amendment was intended to give natives and freed slaves citizenship rights. It wasnt modified to include birthright citizenship when rich fuck railroad tycoons needed legal protection for their chinese racial wage slaves to build their railroads for no money without fear of deportation. Thats why it can be…
You cant be both a terrorist, and a privilaged group. Terrorists attack for political reasons from the outside in. You cant terrorize yourself. So are white men a privilaged group or are they terrorists? By definition you cannot be both.
Why do you types seem to lump all the terms together? Nationalism, White nationalism, White Supremacy, Fascism, naziism. All these use different words because they all mean differant things. A white nationalist is not a nazi, a White Supremicist is not a nationalist. A Fascist is not a Nationalist.
If the shooter had attacked the immigration organization he was upset at instead of innocent people worshipping, i’d be cheering from every rooftop. Violence isnt bad, violence is great. Its just that these guys keep attacking innocent people. Dont shoot up your school, shoot up a black lives matter protest. Dont…
I vote 12. We need to take a hard line against teenage trick or treaters.
I think 11 was my last year trick or treating, as when 12 rolled around i felt too old and stopped on my own. I got a costume until i was 14 or 15, but i stayed back and home to help my parents hand out candy and have nice apple cider. My little…
Acting like murder is a big deal is part of the problem.
People just need to start shooting right away if they get called to HR for racism reasons, at this point.
Globalists usually means secular humanists and multicultural advocates, not “jews”. Im actually one of the bad guys, i know a lot more about what we think than some opinion piece you read. George soros also doesnt mean “jews”. I mean off the top of my head the common slang term for jews in bad guy circles is like…
If he was mad at a jewish immigrant advocacy group why doesnt he just shoot them, and not just random other jews who did nothing wrong? Its like how i was confused by bombing harmless obama and clinton. Had soros been blown to meaty chunks i’d be thrilled, and if an immigrant advococy group been shot up, i’d be…
Just putting the chess pieces in place. Progressive helicopter flights begin any minute now.
It's an old cliche but "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter". Keep that in mind while you push your slam dunk "white men are the real terrorists" narrative.
Lol what? Do you even watch racing? It’s fairly easy after a few events to recognize most of the cars by heart,an eventually you know them all. You’re not just staring at the screen going “look the blue one is passing the green one"
Does a “straight party” button feel icky to anyone else? You can vote how you want but I try to always find someone from the other party I like. Even its an appeals judge or a school superintendent. It's good for the soul.
FYI this dude absolutely hated trump and saw him as some kind of jewish collaborator. Not sure if thats what you’re referring to.
FYI this dude absolutely hated trump and saw him as some kind of jewish collaborator.
The barrier for “seriously credible threat” that raises to that level is more narrow than people expect, judges are very wary of encroaching anywhere near the first amendment. You can say something like “Someone should kill these people” or maybe even “I think i might kill these people at some point”. You pretty much…