Grain Silo Croissant

The idea of what constitutes “this century” is up for debate. A significant faction is opposing progressivism. And we’re dragging the shit out of you. Kicking AND screaming.

Is there any doubt trump haters on some level, mostly do hate americans? It doesnt take much arguing to get them to the point of “This nation was built on SLAVERY and GENOCIDE and we should all DIE america shouldnt EXIST. FUCK (clap emoji) YOU (clap emoji) WHITE (clap emoji) DEVIL (clap emoji) .

Is there any doubt trump haters on some level, mostly do hate americans? It doesnt take much arguing to get them to the point of “This nation was built on SLAVERY and GENOCIDE and we should all DIE america shouldnt EXIST. FUCK (clap emoji) YOU (clap emoji) WHITE (clap emoji) DEVIL (clap emoji) .

All year we’ve heard them say that Kimi hadnt gained a position on the first lap.  Was this his first of they ear?

Rory reid was awful and people only like him because he’s black.

They dont really have the power or lack of weight to justify it.  The old cars were about as fast as a 10 year old BMW M3.

Thats because he isnt even close to the only non white driver. Last year there was a driver that was both muslim and asian, AND another black driver (i mean he was Marutian of German citizenship which is multi ethnic as hell, but he appears at least partially black). And get this, BOTH ON THE SAME (Swiss) TEAM!

Err, Pascal Wehlein, and a number of indy 500 drivers.  This is like “Black panther is the first black superhero” all over again, lol.  Just becuase its the first one you noticed doesnt make him the first.

They havent cancelled culturally appropreated daily show yet?   I thought nobody was watching.

Well if thats the attitude you take dont be suprised at the next protest when someone AR15's a few dozen people to death.  “Fuck your comfort”.  Thats the political interaction you asked for.   I hope they get some of your kids.

Meanwhile nancy pelosi getting called out at her place of work is a “mob” over on splinter. The doublethink is so fucking obvious its disguising.  “No, its OK when WE doing it because these people are ACTUALLY BAD.  Our people are good, so its bad when YOU do it”.

How do you propose you compel people to surrender without violence? A spirited debate about the law and police authority?  Fuck this 14 year old girl.  Hit her again.

They added something titanium on the skid plate that a few years ago to make it look more exciting. It's as authentic as BMWs "play exhaust sound over the speakers" system or putting a baseball card on the spokes of your bike.  Going back 5 years you saw it much less

The food throwing could easily be assault. Not battery, but assault for sure. And a local DA would likely love to discourage assault on local elected officials with an expensive court case.

The grabbing and throwing his food off his table is the main red flag. That could easily rise to the level of assault. Not battery, but assault for sure.

Your side actually shot at elected officials with an ar15 barely a year ago.

Simple. All you need to do is care for yourself and not be communist and you're welcome here. 

Bring democratically elected doesnt make him not a dictator. It has nothing to do with it.

Im all for it. Shoot progressives today. Just wait for the next gathering or protest.

Russia is not communism.