Grain Silo Croissant

the LMP prototypes have been lame from day 1, and especially have been lame since the closed cockpit diesel-hybrid era.   Im excited to see gasoline powered noisy cars that at least look like road cars, or at least look different from each other.  As far as i’m concerned the audi from the R15 onward, the porsche, and

Why not?  Its perfectly legal (if the town makes it legal)

Another example of a blogger who hasnt left NY/Chi/BayArea i see. In small towns in the south (and elsewhere, i’m sure) golf carts are common ways of getting around, they even drive them on the street. Walking is of course better (They’re sometimes damn near 7 grand, i’d buy a car instead) but actually its a fairly

I dont know where you all got the idea that america is supposed to be a democracy. There has never been a diverse, free successful democracy in the history of the world (The greek ones, as you know from history class, swapped back to royality extremely quickly and wouldnt be democratic for thousands more years).  And

I dont get it. New yorkers think there is no america beyond the hudson river?

Canada is doing a lot of dumb progressive shit lately but i have to say this is a piece of news i welcome, even as a non-Canadian. Prohabition of something so widely used and harmful in such a limited way doesnt work (Im not really going full AnCap and suggesting we make heroin legal).   Sadly getting used to smoking

I’m not a nissan fan but i LOVE how they are producing the same car for so long.  The era of the facelift on year 3 and a new car on year 5 really irks me, in a “Throwing away a dixie cup” kind of way.  Look how long they produced old cars in the late 70s, or how long the old school citroens were made.  The new car

This illinois fascist is much overblown and just playing into the lefts demand for nazis that is never quite supplied enough. A crackpot running unopposed in a party nomination is not a sign of a serious political movement. Do you not remember the “The Rent is Too damn high” guy, running in the “The Rent is Too damn

Killing old white people is a feature, not a bug for them.  Why would they have a problem with that?

Excited for another notch in the “Get woke, go broke” belt after the hype of “How did they kill her” wears off.   And this will be a big fucking notch, network TV is desperate for the kind of buzz that “Rosanne” got last year and killing off a cash cow (ha!) like this could really cement a “Fuck you social justice

People are really putting too much faith in the mid terms. Even if the biggest blue wave in the world is happening, this level of activism is going to wane (as it always does) and provoke an even bigger backlash. The civil rights protests in the 60s created a generation of progressives so ashamed to advocate it took

I love these caravans because i want them to make the most pathetic scene as if its going to make us feel bad for them, before kicking them the fuck out. I want them to know in no uncertain terms that they arent welcome. Wanting a better life for your kids is not a valid reason for asylum, and they’re on a short road

But that’s crazy unreasonable. All actions have consequences and refusing consent is one of them. We can call it problematic if Clinton or other powerful men go ahead and retaliate but relationships are almost never free of outside pressure in some form or on a perfectly equal power dynamic.

But that's crazy unreasonable. All actions have consequences and refusing consent is one of them.  We can call it problematic if Clinton or other powerful men go ahead and retaliate but relationships are almost never free of outside pressure in some form or on a perfectly equal power dynamic.

I work for a school in a state run by Republicans at all levels for decades. The school is fucking swimming in money well regulated to ensure it helps the students. We fine.

Couldnt the nazi flag have just been some kind of informational poster about ww2?  Schools put stuff line that up in the hallway all the time.  In fact a school I'd say is one of the few places it's ok in society to show a nazi flag.

I mean people are getting blown off the internet for making a video saying “I dont like star wars” because 6 or 10 of their 30,000 viewers take it too far and send threats to someone. That’s “a campaign of harassment” posting peoples names, faces and jobs all over a bunch of blogs, “yea, nothing wrong with that...

I mean people are getting blown off the internet for making a video saying “I dont like star wars” because 6 or 10 of their 30,000 viewers take it too far and send threats to someone. That’s “a campaign of harassment” posting peoples names, faces and jobs all over a bunch of blogs, “yea, nothing wrong with that...

Ironic as hell to be complaining about her harassment in the middle of a campaign of targeted harassment.  I mean people are getting blown off the internet for making a video saying "I dont like star wars" because 6 or 10 of their 30,000 viewers take it too far and send threats to someone. That's "a campaign of

I mean it makes sense. This policy of filming and naming and shaming the white girls on blogs is fully “directing targeted harassment campaigns“ right? Isnt that what all the twitter and YouTube folks are always getting banned for?  You can't say "well this is different. Targeted harassment is good when we do it".