Grain Silo Croissant

Sexual (clap emoji) assault (clap emoji) victims (clap emoji) do (clap emoji) not (clap emoji) share (clap emoji) your (clap emoji) stories (clap emoji) of (clap emoji) assault (clap emoji) with (clap emoji) democrats (clap emoji) .

How many times across how many decades do they not develop a reputation for immediately

Does he actually call himself an incel or are you just referring to “dude who spends too much time on the internet”?

:( Why did the camera cut off?  I wanted to see him smash her face into the wall or something.

Yes, lol. What companies really want is to sacrifice their very expensive and limited H1B1s on african migrants. While its true that there is a stupid number of skilled african immigrants such as doctors and such, they’d likely already be on H1B1s, if not be permanent residents. These guys, not so likely. If they

If i’m not mistaken the first person to enslave africans in what would later become the united states was a black man (in fact a freed slave in the old world) in maryland.  Kanye is angling to recapture that history and once more, be a trend-setter.

Err, i dont think it was ever illegal worldwide.

You might imagine these are the kids of fox news brain washed boomers, but au contraire: These kids have grown up with progressive as fuck parents and being brainwashed in school with multiculturalism. For the first time in history, the racist republicans are the counterculture, the opposition to the status quo. And

Nah fam, these kids have grown up with progressive as fuck parents and being brainwashed in school with multiculturalism. For the first time in history, the racist republicans are the counterculture, the opposition to the status quo. And there is nothing “the kids” like more than a counterculture. A racist pepe meme

Please, we dont call it anything as vulgar as “Rape” anymore.  Its called “The Swedish Snuggle”.

Doing the math BTW, 6 to 9 generations is between 150 and 230 years.

NOOOOOO!   God damn it term limits.  We need a state-level dictator for life, this guy is the best.

On top of police having their hands tied so they cant crack skulls to solve problems, Deblasio cutting shelters by almost half and housing them in churches and rental properties doesnt help. So instead of part of one block being a hellhole of homelessness, now its spread evenly throughout the city. The ultimate dream

I’m guessing you didnt progress much beyond kindergarten coloring time:
* White is all lights combined, but is the absence of color (in paint)
* Black is all colors (in paint) combined, but is the absence of light.

Stopping stop and frisk continues to be a mistake.  All of NYC now smells like shit, weed and garbage now and its slowly sliding back to the bad old “escape from new york” days.

If you want to get technical with words white is all colors and black is no colors.

Based on their released DNA reports, fucking richard “White nazi” spencer is less white than her.  She’s 99.91 percent white.  Its one thing to be racist yourself, its another to have a racist family member in your tree.  Its quite another to have 6 to 9 generations of honkies who steadfastly refused to touch the dark

The snipers isnt really a good example, as they didnt actually shoot anyone.  Oklahoma city is a good example actually, but was more “anti government” than “Anti left wing” like you’re seeing now from the “Punch a nazi, and by nazi i mean centrist democrat, leftist republican, libratarian, conservative or actual

You’re way more upset about the civil war and slavery than a normal person.  We treat dead soliders with respect and reverence. 

I mean in the real world where people are so upset about slavery that they’re attacking inanimate objects, yea, some security is needed.  Confederate soldiers are treated with the same reverence as american soldiers because ultimately, they are american soliders.  You treating the confederacy as some foreign power is

Why is this called “Black ops”? I liked the cool CIA Military 1960s-1990s aspect of the series for the first two games (i like “living history”, even fake history) they lost me with going into the future and drones and jetpacks and shit. But i dont begrudge them going after that fortnite money, but why not a new