Grain Silo Croissant

Can you imagine the autistic screeching if Diane Feinstein or Maxine Waters had been shot by an AR15 barely a year ago? “This culture of violence trump has created” “We need to ban guns now”. But a bernie bro goes on a shooting spree and they’re all like “Meh, have i told you about how some antifa got blown the fuck

I’d love to hear all your suggestions. When they let them go into the hands of illegal relatives who hide from the police, there is an outrage story of “TRUMP LOSES THOUSANDS OF KIDS”. If he keeps them in government centers its “CHILDREN IN CAGES”. Is there a way for dealing with economic migrants that isnt just

I’d love to hear your suggestions. When they let them go into the hands of illegal relatives who hide from the police, there is an outrage story of “TRUMP LOSES THOUSANDS OF KIDS”. If he keeps them in government centers its “CHILDREN IN CAGES”. Is there a way for dealing with economic migrants that isnt just “Give

Curious how you can make both the argument that trumps policies arent a deterrant, and that border crossings are down compared to the obama era.  Unless “asylum” claims arent counted as seizures in the same way.

> The Proud Boys subscribe to “Western chauvinism”—in which (mostly white) men

(The image this is under is literally like 40% non white men.) 

More details have come out about this saying the antifa assaulted one of the proud boys first, knocking his hat off and shoving him. Defending yourself from assault is not a crime.

More details have come out about this saying the antifa assaulted one of the proud boys first, knocking his hat off and shoving him. Defending yourself from assault is not a crime.

Losing the war didnt make their ideas wrong, and the lax treatment of the south post war meant most of the north agreed. Even if your statement is 100 percent true that doesnt make a modern advocacy for state sovereignty invalid, especially as it remains in the constitution.

And then everyone clapped. Lol.

Motherfuck the SPLC. If someone shot up their offices I'd throw a God damn party.

So if they were no longer americans, they were not traitors.

Thats a link to the same article we were talking about earlier, and is hardly right wing violence. Antifa has been harassing them (with violence and threats) all week in preperating of a meeting with the local republican party. You cant blame victims for fighting their oppressors, right? Secondly, the winner of a

Dude thats larry david in a wig. You’re being played for some viral marketing.

This was a common racing car shifter position even in british made race cars well into the late 80s. Go look at some ayrton senna mclaren and lotus onboards. The shifter is tucked into the right like that.

Damn thats like 30% of the belgian airforce.  The dutch, with a full 8 planes may invade now.

I mean, fighting oppression and occupation is a well known reason to kill your soliders and i dont know of lee killing any confederate citizens.

Im responding to say i got your message but its so wrong i dont actually have a meaningful response.  All of your points lead nowhere.  Im sorry.

Just because you’re part of an echo chamber doesnt mean the rest of us need to be.

His country was virginia, a member of america.  It would be like calling a romanian citizen fighting a war against germany a traitor becuase they were both citizens of the european union.

I mean, either you believe women or you dont.