
I didn’t know Ford made a Taurus convertible.

“Voice control!”

Can you imagine how insanely bright the interior will be at night with this screen?

Actually, the F-22 and F-35 are working exactly as it was designed, which is funding/job security. 

I see what you did there!

Ouch. That Hertz.

Unfortunately he was driving a Penske, and insurance only covers this sort of thing with a Ryder.

The car in white looks like twin coffins...which is kinda where BMW’s style is headed.

$49,900?!? That’s almost Wrangler money!

If every product that had turbo in the name were required to employ an actual turbocharger...

I worked in the insurance industry in home office corporate IT for years. The smartest people in any insurance company are the actuaries who determine the rates. Way smarter than EM. 

Not sure if large-Acura-emblem joke or hideous-Lexus-front-end joke.

Shocking. I always figured guys who bought Dodge Demons were totally zen and would only go to tracks after journaling their feelings and embracing their inner children, and then only to help others there self-actualize their potential. This comes as a great surprise.

I think you proved yourself wrong. Has Veilside ever done anything aesthetically right?


BL didn’t need dipsticks at all.  If it ever stopped leaking, you needed to add oil.

Where as British Leyland released cars with the dipstick incorrectly marked out of sheer incompetence.

And, with BMW eliminating dispsticks in favor of electronic level sensors in the late 2000s, the Germans have been able to turn around and play the same trick on many unsuspecting owners!

“Is a thing” is perhaps the most over-used Millennial phrase in existence... How about we instead say something like this?