
This is similar to my list except skip January add Mass Effect if it really does come out in March.

This makes me absolutely livid. I literally just read a story about a young trans teen who committed suicide before coming here and seeing this. As I processed that story, I thought about how strong my adult trans friends must be to have even made it to adulthood in this fucked up world we live in where everyone from

I also thought that girls liked doing it boy was I wrong

Go you. I shaved my head last summer and everyone kept trying to philanthropize it: “Oh, did you do St. Baldrick’s? Or donate it to charity?” “No,I just wanted it gone so I could stop wasting time preening myself.” As if a woman’s appearance/shaved head has to be an act of generosity or sacrifice.

Whenever I read a frothy article that’s all ‘Here are the top ten things in women’s fashion that men hate’, I just want to do everything on the list as a reminder that I do not exist for anybody’s boner. It’s that level of pettiness that led to me cutting off all of my hair after a boyfriend told me he didn’t want me

This was amazing. Thank you for writing!

Where I live, the web of lesbians consists :/ Quite a drought in my neck of the woods! At least it would make for an easy art project, should I ever decide to map it out.

They’d have plausible deniability if they hadn’t said “this” Christmas heralds the coming of a new King.

I’ve had a few friends who worked while their husbands stayed home with the kids. In every case, the woman still did pretty much everything — the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, all the childcare when she wasn’t at work. The man was considered to be doing such a valiant and noble thing for “giving up his career”

My one cousin is with a guy who doesn’t work and he doesn’t hel with the house or their child. She works and does those things. To me, it’s not worth it to have someone who’s not going to help. They actually broke up but he came back. I was disappointed when she took him back.

I’m just a lowly almost-30-year-old, but I think one of the most useful things my retired dad ever told me was “the only people my age who actually still need to work for money are people who have been divorced”. I realize that’s a fairly privileged outlook and there are lots of people both single and married who have

Aren’t there a ton of elderly people in homes despite having children who could take care of them, though?

Husbands/male partners don’t stick around for the bad parts or do it well all that often. So you’re just as likely to be screwed if the women in your life think your husband is taking care of you as if the people in your life know they need to step up to the plate. In any case, they’re also less likely to be alive-

A friend of mine who shares my chronically single status once said that whenever she starts feeling bad about being alone, she spends more time hanging out with her heterosexual female friends who are married or living with their significant others. Their stories about being the primary

Over 60 years old here… relationships have come and gone, but at least I can say I’ve escaped the legal and financial consequences of marriage.

He was on Colbert a few weeks back, and what he really seemed most interested in talking about was beveling table legs, making furniture, turning. It was cute, I was like awww, this guy’s a total wood nerd!

I imagine that he and Nick Offerman have some serious bro-downs.

Let’s compare it to other industries. If you got a job at a PR firm, you would need a minimum level of experience to get the job. From there, the firm would likely have a pre-determined salary range and your starting salary would be based on previous experience. After that, your salary would largely depend on your

It’s an extremely stupid word, but I appreciate that it’s a thing because its presence tells me that the person who using it has nothing of real value to say so I don’t need to waste my attention on them.

When did the Nazi narrative flip so badly? Weren’t they the definitive evil that Indiana Jones or Captain America could punch in the face and everyone would cheer?