
I’m a PhD student in computational biology and I am thinking about leaving academia for science writing because FUCK THIS KIND OF SHIT ARRRGHHHHH

Finally! Some well-written coverage of science on Jezebel! This article does everything right (reading the actual study, talking to the actual authors, giving side-eye to shitty popular news coverage) that that atrocious article a few weeks ago didn’t (covering a menopause study).

No. Your friends are not the people to help you out of a disease. Professionals are. I can’t help you figure out your insulin or your psych meds or your rehab or your chemo. Once you decide that you’re going to get professional help, I, as a friend, can support you. That’s a valuable role. But if you are in denial

That’s because seizures are narrowly defined, discrete events (even if they have varying symptoms). The underlying cause for dickish responses are varied and could easily have nothing to do with mental illness, just as shaking could have nothing to do with a seizure if the person in question just stepped out of a cold

I disagree. Sometimes, you don’t realize how toxic a person was for you until you get some time and distance. 25 years ago, one of my best friends and I had a massive falling out. She cut contact with me - because SHE had done something awful and then she got upset that I dared to be angry about the thing she did.

That Jennifer Lawrence impression is *spot on*.

I feel like this buries the best part of the beef, where a Drumpf supporter called John Legend uneducated (because of course) and he responded, “actually the Donald and I graduated from the same university”. Daaaaaamn. You couldn’t plan for a more perfect burn.

He's not a biologist so I can understand his mistake.

There are many things wrong with that tweet. America is named after an Italian explorer! Spain is busting at the seams with cathedrals! And it’s pretty sketchy to make an argument that Spanish Explorers > Italian Cathedral Builders, what with all the murdering and the enslaving and the raping and whatnot.

I’m with the librarian about Point #2. You can’t expect a library to get rid of all the children’s books with subtle sexist messages. Even if the library just got rid of all the books with OVERT sexist messages, it wouldn’t carry any European fairy tales. (Except Hansel and Gretel. Gretel’s a badass.) I think the

When my son was in kindergarten, I consistently spoke up as the parent of a kid with autism, bringing those issues into conversations, and I worried that it would mark me as the Weird Mom, but after a couple of years I saw attitudes changing among the parents.

On the other hand...

If he’s any street, it’s Sesame

Update: The shade keeps coming and it is glorious.

There’s the rub, isn’t it: Men very often don’t come out for fear of being labeled weak or something derogatory that is synonymous with gay ( which is, in context, synonymous with weak and passive and the male equivalent of asking for it). It did take forever and a decade before people started paying attention to

Well thinking of relatively well know male survivors of abuse, Corey Haim didn’t get the same sort of attitudes Kesha has been exposed to - I can’t recall anyone making noises like they didn’t believe him or felt he was to blame in any way, and he’d said that Corey Feldman knew about the whole thing as it was going

First world mining isn’t (usually) like that anymore, but historically (and in poorer countries) yes. It’s dangerous, tedious work where there is often an overlapping issue with criminality and forced labor, but where there are plenty of workers who do it because they lack better options. Just look at that issue that

Exactly - legal doesn’t necessarily = perfectly executed and no one is harmed or exploited.

100% uncontroversial take:

Maybe it’s because I live in a country where basically nobody has a gun, BUT, have always wondered: