
Well, that’s an unfortunate addition to the Track record.

He has Down syndrome, so he looks a bit atypical. I think he’s cute.

Good point about Varys, I was thinking she needed to find out about the whitewalkers soon but couldn’t figure out how it would happen. That’ll do it.

I appreciate good writing on both page and screen.

Hey, Dothraki isn’t gibberish, it’s a fully functioning language! A language created for the show, but a language nonetheless.

I’m sorry it was spoiled for you.

You see Westeros as a place filled with characters we love, and not a testing ground for megalomaniacs to exhibit complexity?

I think both Dany and Drogo are characters who are neither good nor evil, but instead are flawed, complicated humans. Dany clearly has values and goals that sometimes conflict with one another, which is what makes her character interesting.

In Dany’s speech she used almost the exact same words that Khal Drogo used in season one when he told the Dothraki he would cross the narrow sea and make his son the king.

Heard has stated that the violent incidents were directly related to substance use. It’s entirely possible that Depp is not a violent guy when sober, and that Paradis was with him when he was not using substances so heavily, and thus did not witness or endure the violence that Heard sustained.

If a lion can be a king, a fish can be a lesbian.

Yeah, “He doesn’t seem like a very violent man to me” is not a strong statement.

I don’t spend a lot of time in men’s bathrooms, but I’m pretty sure having urinals doesn’t mean that dicks are just flying around everywhere. And while a 5-year-old doesn’t “need” to see any specific body parts, looking at the anatomical features of other humans is unlikely to be a harmful event.

I’ve taken boys up to age 12 with autism or other developmental disabilities into the women’s restroom (they wouldn’t have been safe unattended). Never had anyone bat an eye.

Actually, they’re more similar than you might think.

Narcissists ‘need’ to see their children in a certain way in order to confirm their rightness and superiority to themselves. And it wreaks havoc on a child’s life: s/he is not seen and loved as a whole person but as the shadow the parent cannot acknowledge in him/herself and so madly projects upon the child.

Yeah, I went to college in Virginia like the author and did not get a single ticket. I have, to date, never been pulled over in my life.

I just tried it on a whim and now I’m laughing at myself. It’s really difficult! My butt (and arms) definitely gave this pose a hard pass.

Two of my friends (22ish at the time) dated the same older guy (34ish at the time). Both of them reported that he was absolute crap in bed. Not selfish, even, just really bad (like, jackhammer-style fingering for 20+ minutes bad). And this dude hooked up with lots of girls, most of them young like they were.

It’s true the PCC Cascade campus is in a historically black neighborhood, though it’s gentrifying so quickly that it might be only white people by the time I finish this sentence.