
It was Stephanie’s birthday on the day of Hae’s disappearance. She went to a game, then to a late dinner with her family. It’s kind of hard to see how she would be involved (just like it’s hard to see how Adnan would be involved in the brief window between school and track practice). Jay, on the other hand, had all

Good point. My husband really struggled with my clothing for the first few months of cohabitation. Plus, he’s from a warm climate, so he had a limited understanding of cold-weather garments. He’d hold up something of mine and be like, “Is this a sweater? Is it a delicate sweater?” I never knew my clothes were so

I think it depends on the person and the strength of their phobia. I have a shark phobia, but only realistic images of sharks will trigger it. Also being in any body of water (including a bathtub). However, I wouldn’t flip out over an inflatable shark in a pool because I’m aware of the context and I can remind myself

It’s not always chronic, even when left untreated for long periods of time. I know plenty of people (including myself) who had Lyme for several weeks/months prior to diagnosis and treatment, but still fully recovered.

Wow, it’s so interesting how different this is in different households/communities. I got married at 26, and was genuinely worried that I was too young and that people were judging me about it.

Have you seen the actual Jane article? I tried to find the actual source material and I can’t. I’m not saying I don’t believe it, I’m just wary of an article filed under “gossip” that Gawker got from Page Six.

Nerdy points are my specialty :)

This is so true. A lot of the books we read in high school were genuinely upsetting. Lord of the Flies and Of Mice and Men stick out as particularly horrible. What was even the point of those books? Just to let us know that some people were cruel for no good reason? Thanks, but we knew that from being around other

Algebra is helpful, I agree. However, my high school also required that we take trigonometry, which I have never once used outside of that classroom. It’s not a functional skill, and it’s not required for most college majors. It’s not even on the GRE. I’m still scratching my head trying to figure out why we had to

Actually, American English has arguably changed less than British English since the 1700s. This is pretty common: new colonies tend to hold on to old pronunciations more than the original cultures. In Quebec they essentially speak 17th century French, and we speak something close to 17th century British English.

I know so many people that will tell me that a certain restaurant “isn’t worth it” because of the incredibly long wait. Then I’ll discover that they’ve only ever tried going at 7pm on a Friday or Saturday night. Seriously, people? Why would you even try that?

Yeah, I was actually really confused by that “gender studies” bit at first because I knew about Hathaway’s Women’s Studies degree (my neighbor was in her class at Vassar). I wasn’t sure what level of sarcasm was being used there: was it a “celebrities aren’t experts” thing or a “degrees don’t make you right” thing? I

We started planning our wedding about 6 months before we had it. We were in New York, and the wedding was in my husband’s home state of Hawaii, so we had to plan from afar and figure out travel accommodations for everyone. It was fine, we didn’t need more time than that. I can’t imagine needing 2 years.

I totally see where you’re coming from with foolishness of racking up student loans for a degree with no earning potential. Unfortunately, many of us were pretty darn foolish at age 18, and didn’t realize the ramifications of getting a BA in Anthropology or Political Science, especially if our parents didn’t warn us.

I've used "she really means well, but..." in a similar context. Sometimes I think it's really helpful to keep that in mind. I know several people who have excellent intentions but supremely un-excellent actions. Even more than the fact that I love them, I feel like it's beneficial to remember that they really wanted

Yeah, I think the lack of process time is crucial to understanding that Facebook message. When I was sexually assaulted by a school counselor, I went to my friend later that night and started telling her what happened as though it were a hot piece of gossip. About halfway through the story, I realized I was sort of

This just happened to a friend of mine. She and her boyfriend hadn't been having intercourse for a few months due to medical reasons (her vagina was a no-go zone at the time), but they were still fooling around. At some point he ejaculated close enough to her crotch (though she says not even that close) that she got

This just happened to a friend of mine. She and her boyfriend hadn't been having intercourse for a few months due to medical reasons (her vagina was a no-go zone at the time), but they were still fooling around. At some point he ejaculated close enough to her crotch (though she says not even that close) that she got

LW # 3: I had a friend/roommate who did this. She had Borderline Personality Disorder. Not sure if your friend has it, but that's pretty classic BPD behavior. She froze me out for reasons that didn't make sense even after she explained them. Might be worth looking up BPD. If she does have it, she might benefit from

Exactly. I can't be the only one who didn't realize the full implications of Cloud backup. This stuff is all really new. Most cameras I've owned in my lifetime have not put automatically put my pictures on the internet. All of this smartphone/Cloud stuff has happened in what, the last 5 years? Give people a break.