“You not only had Schwarzenegger back yet again, franchise creator James Cameron produced and Linda Hamilton returned to co-star for the first time since Terminator 2: Judgment Day.”
“You not only had Schwarzenegger back yet again, franchise creator James Cameron produced and Linda Hamilton returned to co-star for the first time since Terminator 2: Judgment Day.”
Fuck me, that Harley figure is tempting. And the sad thing is that $200 isn’t bad for a 1/6 scale figure these days.
Wait a second, hold on, are they holding their breath so that colder water doesn’t flow into their gills and (potentially) cool their body temperatures down further?
That’s a damn big egg, but maybe the young hatch at a large size?
Does FFG still produce that nice woven cardstock?
Yeah, that Clayface fight was superb.
Fair enough—I’m not a backer, I’m only exposed to the process through news articles and Twitter (which is rarely happy), so my opinion is definitely uninformed. I didn’t know it was downloadable! That’s very cool and encouraging.
I don’t know enough about the overall development cycle of the game, but I do know that several lawsuits have been filed and CIG has spent a lot of money on lawyers and is still selling pre-release content. At what point does it go from vaporware to potential scam?
Fair enough. How long until that 1.0 version actually SEES release, though?
Okay but here’s the question:
Cape Feare is my favorite episode of all time. That song at the end, man.
I mean let’s be honest: that thing they showed at E3 2017 was never going to be put into production. What even was that shit? The excitement came from hearing that a sequel OF SOME KIND was on the way. But even that appears to be in jeopardy.
As a Horizon superfan, I’m incredibly annoyed that the DLC is exclusive to the PS5. I don’t have a PS5, I’m not in the market for a PS5 at the moment, it’s not like they couldn’t get that shit running on a PS4 since the base game does.
I’m so tired of big studios being so afraid of giving an R-rated movie any kind of budget. Deadpool proved that’s an unfounded fear. I would like to think that Lovecraft fans of every age would show up to Mountains of Madness in droves; it’s one of his best pieces. I can’t think of anybody more suited for the…
Raid Mode > Mercenaries Mode
It’s not too often anymore that I can recognize an author simply from their writing, but Fahey was one of them. His articles are always an absolute joy and source of inspiration.
Fun fact: this is literally all I want out of a Metroid Prime remaster: keep all the gameplay exactly the same (as the New Play Control version), keep the hitboxes, keep the physics the same, keep the map the same—just give me better graphics.
Flabbergasted that you didn’t use Erica Henderson art for Squirrel Girl.
I mean I’ll watch the movie.
Putting Usagi in the game would be a dream come true. The NECA toy is coming later this year, too. And the Usagi storyline from the 2014 TMNT cartoon was far and away the best thing in that (generally excellent) series.