I didn’t feel like much happened in this episode, but what DID happen set up the rest of the show very well. Lily is suddenly a character I care about. Her schizo performance was intense and fooled me (but not my wife).
I didn’t feel like much happened in this episode, but what DID happen set up the rest of the show very well. Lily is suddenly a character I care about. Her schizo performance was intense and fooled me (but not my wife).
Yo that Mario needs to win an award.
I’ve always wanted to play DOOM 64, so this is great news. But also, I just checked Nintendo’s website and it’s gonna be FIVE DOLLARS.
Harsh toke, man.
Peter Parker has ghost nipples confirmed.
I went all-in on that Kickstarter and the game is still sitting in my closet; I have yet to actually play it. The thing just looks so damn intimidating, what with the miniatures and the different boards and character cards and about 100 different kinds of markers.
Nope, that old idea (from Jack Horner) has been mooted several times over since the early 90's, most recently from Dr. Thomas Holtz, Jr., who wrote an entire article dismantling Horner’s arguments piece by piece. It was glorious. Tyrannosaurus rex wouldn’t have turned down a free carcass, but it was more than capable…
Lord knows we might never get the sequel he deserves, but I will always have a soft spot for Uncle Pey’j.
Loved Elika. Man, I wish I could replay that game (my PS3 broke a few years ago and I haven’t bothered replacing it).
I saw the Untitled Goose Game people roaming the show floor, it was pretty funny. The goose would start bothering people playing tabletop games and the “villagers” would run up to him with their signs.
Came here to say pretty much exactly this.
I think I saw the same article. If given any kind of chance, I WILL fuck up technology repair.
That’s trippy as fuck. They put a lot of thought into this thing, it’s sad (but understandable) that is flopped so hard.
I think that’s what I was trying to say, but poorly.
I love my Virtual Boy but rarely play it. One of the screens died at one point and it took a very long time get fixed by a local console repair guy. The parts are getting harder to find. The weirdest thing is that I’m near-sighted, but the games are so blurry as to be unplayable WITHOUT MY GLASSES ON, which makes NO…
You know, the blue (and one big red) dragon things that the blue cat people rode around on that didn’t seem to have hind limbs so you did wonder how they could land, if they could land at all, or move around on the ground in any fashion. So not like Western, Eastern, or even prehistoric (pterosaur) dragons.
I was pretty much in it for the ecosystem and xenofauna. I was extremely disappointed by the blue cat people who are absolutely blue cat people with virtually no visual ties to any of the other fauna apart from that hexapod lemur at the beginning. Entirely too human, though. But then there were other…
No, this is a terrible movie. In fact, I’d argue that it’s good up UNTIL the twist, at which point you’re like “wait, what?” Things quickly go downhill.
Man, I need to play Nier.
I’ll note here that Fortnite really only became huge once it embraced the battle royale mode that PUBG introduced. Now it seems like every multiplayer game has to have a battle royale mode. If I had to include Fortnite or PUBG on this list, I’d go with the latter, as it introduced this sea change.