Well, at least they’re matching the game’s horrible art design.
Well, at least they’re matching the game’s horrible art design.
I feel like nobody talks about Journey anymore, but Journey is a goddamn masterpiece.
Maybe a separate list of best multiplatform games, then? Undertale absolutely deserves a spot on some kind of list, but it feels weird wedging it into platforms-specific categories.
It’s bizarre to me that these lists include multiplatform games. When I buy a given console, I’m buying it for the exclusive games. Nobody buys a Switch for a port of Undertale. Maybe it’s one of the best games on the system but it’s not a SWITCH game, if that makes any sense.
He’s not your friend, buddy!
Three films from Yorgos Lanthimos. Come on, now.
Not just your opinion; mine as well. By an order of magnitude.
I could totally get behind this idea.
Ah, this explains the empty "Boss" container in my Vault.
I knew it wasn’t gonna be Mai, but to bar her from even a background cameo seems weird. She has other costumes, and she’s one (if not the) most recognizable SNK fighting game characters.
Jigglypuff until I die.
I just watched a fascinating Digital Foundry video about how both of these games run on Switch. It sounds (and looks) like the framerate is all over the place; rather than locking it at 30, which would at least provide a stable experience, the framerate is unlocked and routinely dips into the 20's.
I haven’t seen Arrow but based on the header image, does he not have a compound bow?
BUT does The Darkness believe in a thing called love?
You’re thinking of the Rusty Venture.
It was a good movie. There are outtakes during the credits that are just as funny as the actual interviews. It’s a miracle any of these people could get through a single take without breaking completely.
You don’t get the frog song after Angler’s Cave—you get Mamu’s song. You won’t get Wart’s song until you have the Hookshot from Catfish’s Maw and do the surprisingly complex path-following sequence just to the southeast of Mabe Village.
I feel like this article’s title pretty perfectly encapsulates every single Ryan Murphy project ever produced.
My biggest concern was whether or not games/saves would transfer easily between systems...this is extremely encouraging. I, too, would get a lot of use out of a smaller, portable Switch.
“The first part of the new Shantae game!”