Honestly, how is this show not on BR yet. For space-saving, if nothing else.
Honestly, how is this show not on BR yet. For space-saving, if nothing else.
And I don’t remember Nasutoceratops being among the escapees.
This is some Grade-A non-apology apologizing.
This is some Grade-A non-apology apologizing.
Great reporting, Jason. Confirms what I’ve suspected for awhile about Tyrone.
Allosaurus was featured semi-prominently in Fallen Kingdom.
The Anchorage School District won’t release the ref’s name or any other information, which is incredibly cowardly, because they know he’d have a giant crowd of protesters (and rightly so) on his lawn 24/7. Guy doesn’t deserve any better. Hopefully this is overturned and he is fired forever.
One would hope they could branch off from their dying parent; I still have several of my old GI magazines. I looked forward to it every month (and I got a subscription from an in-magazine card; I had no idea they were associated with GameStop).
Oh right, Anthem is a thing. I’d honestly forgotten.
$30 is pricey for one movie. ;-)
$30 is pricey for one movie. ;-)
You might say he's a...maverick.
This is great and all, but I want to hear about the other prehistoric fauna you’ll be encountering.
*looks at the pricetag*
*looks at the pricetag*
Senran is one of the only series that still provides manuals at all, and color ones at that. I always love reading through them.
It’s hard to sell products to/sell data to advertisers about white nationalists if white nationalists aren’t allowed on your platform.
I’m waiting to hear how it performs on Switch.
I divide my cereals into two groups: “wet” (with milk) and “dry” (without milk). Apple Jacks falls into the second category, where it’s perfectly tolerable. Oh sure, there are plenty of far better dry cereals (Frosted Flakes, Corn Pops, Frosted Mini-Wheats) but in a pinch, Apple Jacks can fill that void.
As a lifelong Alaskan, this made me laugh:
Fair enough.
Somebody remind me how this story is any different from any other story about how competitive Smash players respond to characters mods.