Zach Miller

In the first episode they talked about shift work, like you’re there two weeks on, two weeks off.

The question I had coming out of the 1st episode was “how does the environment work?” Does Westworld take place outside in the actual west, or is the environment simulated, one of the 80-something floors in the facility which was apparently built atop and then drilled down into one of the rock formations of Wyoming.

*between sobs*

Patch notes: Earth now rotates the other (correct) way.

Too funny.

She can do what she wants. People don’t have to watch it.

*deep breath*

Sooooounds like a Team Ico game.

This game saving “tradition” even extends to DQ Heroes, a game I otherwise adore.

The music in these movies is also seemingly divorced from the action onscreen. Go back and listen to the Jurassic Park soundtrack sometime (it’s on YouTube, I’ll wait). The music rises and falls with the dialogue and what’s going on at the time. “High-Wire Stunts” is an incredible example of that. I can recite that


Journey (PS3) should be up there.

Yes! Her page has several sub-galleries that I didn’t recognize before.

Where’s that Wonder Woman picture? That’s gorgeous.

That’s a shame, I was really looking forward to this movie.

I mean, the type advantage ALONE means Blastoise wins hands-down. But I agree, in terms of badassery, it’s Charizard by a mile.

Here in Anchorage, it’s been a grade-A shitshow. Servers are down at least 40% of the time. If you’re not in midtown or downtown, there are no Stops. Lures don’t attract shit.

I was always fond of the top-loading NES and Wii Mini, with its red & black colors.

It’s also the ONLY Final Fantasy game in years. *rimshot*

Wow. Fuck Konami in the taint.