Zach Miller

Will it be in HD? I already have this game several ways.

Welp, fuck this game.

Up here in Alaska, bald eagles are common, and it’s common to see other birds pestering them—ravens, crows, magpies, and seagulls often badger eagles to the point where the eagle often just LEAVES. I always wonder why the eagle doesn’t just slaughter its tormentor(s).

Please please please put Power Girl in the roster.

Pretty easy Platinum, too!

I mean, we give Mighty No. 9 a hard time here, but this is arguably worse.

I’ll believe it when it’s on digital/retail store shelves.

It shows that social media has given a voice and an audience to psychopaths who deserve neither.

Wow, that game is hard to watch now. The cel shading is nice but the character models hurt my eyes.

*sells all video game stuff*

I preordered the game—I have all the Senran games that have been released here. The scroll-pulling thing might have carried over from Shinovi Versus? I don’t remember. I preordered the Vita version of Estival because I’m not playing this on the big screen.

It’s the Chibi characters. It violently tears the game away from established MP continuity. Federation soldiers do not look like Nendroids.

Holy shit is that Megaloceras (the “Irish Elk”)? I need this game.

Half-tempted to pick this up strictly to see the Ice Age megafauna, what megafauna they included (more than just mammoths and machairodonts, right?), and how accurately they’re depicted.

No, I mean they basically eliminated stutter and slowdown while cranking up the background detail and allowing more enemies on-screen at a time.

I direct a lot of love towards the oft-forgotten MM5, which had the most technical polish of the old games.

Heath Ledger’s performance was so incredible that Jared Let’s turn as the character in the Suicide Squad trailer rings very hollow.

I really loath that these codes are now handed out at GS. Remember when you could stand outside of GS and download the Mystery Gift? Those were the days.


“How can we tell the reptilian snake lady is female?”