“Marriage is hard work.” You nailed it. Taking care of a sick spouse is hard work. Raising kids together is hard work. Marriage itself should not be hard work. And if it is then something is wrong.
“Marriage is hard work.” You nailed it. Taking care of a sick spouse is hard work. Raising kids together is hard work. Marriage itself should not be hard work. And if it is then something is wrong.
You are the human equivalent of a pumpkin spice latte.
Yes. There’s a trend now to try to track how much people have sex without relying on them to self report. Because when you let people self-report, they lie. A lot of people are looking at this now and basically, we don’t have that much sex, as a society. There may be outliers, but real life doesn’t look like TV, where…
Agreed. Lasting, happy relationships don’t result from a happy sex life. A happy sex life is, apparently, just part of most lasting, happy relationships. There’s not really anything anyone can do if they don’t feel authentic attraction, admiration and affection for their partner. But this sort of research is still…
I was responding to a picture of a domesticated rat (rattus norvegicus). Read the whole thread before responding.
I like that they live in hives and have queens.
Ugh. Why do people breed for traits that are physically uncomfortable to the animals? I know naked rats arose accidentally, in labs. But why do they exist outside of labs? I love rats and I know they like having fur.
Right. I forgot. In the bible God commands his priests to abort a woman’s pregnancy if it is the result of adultery. But doesn’t say anything about whether or not abortions should be performed under any other circumstances. So I guess you’re right. Unless you got knocked up by messing around outside of wedlock, you…
I get your point but we need to stop invoking rape to defend a woman’s right to an abortion. Most women who get abortions are not victims of rape and incest. And that’s fine. Every woman who has a reason they don’t want to have a baby has a good reason.